Sweden not only embraces Islam, they also embrace cryptocurrencies. Boden Datacenter in North Sweden.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Sweden is a strange country. Car manufacturers, fighter-jet manufacturers, furniture manufacturers and a country that the past 20 years has embraced the digital revolution like no other european country. Piratebay, Spotify, and more recently fin-tech companies like Precise Biometrics and Fingerprints cards.

Skjermbilde 2018-01-27 kl. 09.49.58.png

In Stockholm things are so ridiculously hip with their "innovation hubs" and "tech hubs" I would suspect even experienced silicon valley-people would become a little bit awkward. Even norwegian urbaner's are by stockholmians looked upon as outback rednecks.

All this while at the same time trying really hard to turn their country into a caliphate.


Now they are embracing mining. Sweden has long been known for their Iron ores and even gold mining companies. Up north in Boden, several crypto mining and Blockchain companies have established data centers. Boden is also the home of massive data centers outside of the crypto-space. Facebook even has a data centre up there.

The reason is cheap electricity from hydro electric and also ironically the swedish government's open-mindedness.

A lot of foreign companies are interested in setting up operations in Sweden.



I've been personally actively trying to get in touch with norwegian governments and newspaper to make them understand how they must compete and how we have an advantage when it comes to mining and embracing cryptos.

Norway is "running out of oil" and our welfare fund is invested out there. The norwegian goverment owns a ridiciolous 1,2-1,5% of ALL the worlds wealth. That is insane for a country only making up 0,065% of the world population.

Unfortunately that money will never benefit the norwegian population. A small percentage called the"handlingsregel" (or rule of action) about 3% is used yearly to help cover expenses. Everything else is covered by high taxation (65% including VAT, tax, fees and special fees on for example gasoline ironically)

Apart from oil we are terrible on innovation. We have a government innovation fund that just throws money after ridicilous projects and seems to be run by incompetent people (shocker..)

Norway should absolutely embrace Cryptocurrency mining, because once again we are blessed with everything that has to do with power. We have much more hydro electricity infrastructure than Sweden. All our electricity comes from hydro electric. I mean..you can just go visit a random river and there will be a huge power-plant there.


Just an old nearby powerplant from the 30's. I don't think it's very operational. More like a tourist spot. But these are scattered around everywhere, and this is even in the lowlands in the South.

There is still hope though. Norway has not taken any stand on cryptos, but we were of course very early with taxation rules. The rate is 25% like any other profit on investments, but you will also get a refund of 25% on losses (like that will ever happen on cryptos)

And while Sweden is slowly turning into a crypto-haven/islamic caliphate, it remains to see if the norwegian government/kindergarden aunties that rule us are able to do what should be done.

Skjermbilde 2018-01-27 kl. 09.46.56.png

Odin save us from these women..



i think norway will take a step towards crypto sooner

Look at those ..competent and..handsome..women. Do they look like they are going to take ANY steps...towards cryptos? I actually wonder if they ever take any steps at all :)



Norway could definitely take a lead in crypto currency matters. It just has to figure out if taking everything at 25% is a good move (it's not.) High taxation stifles innovation. High taxation leads companies to seek better pastures.

Yup. But sweden has exactly the same laws as norway. We are actually supposed to pay taxes on every trade! If you sell bitcoin for eth on an exchange, we're supposed to pay tax on that trade..it's insane.
Actually..according to law, I must pay taxes every time I convert SBD to STEEM..


Such B.S I can't even wrap my head around it

Kindergarten aunties?🙈

You sexist racist pig @scandinavianlife!

buhuhuhuhuhu....don't call me mean words :( buhuhuhuhu

Dont worry, they are all over the place 😂😂😂lol

So if the government don’t want to do it, why don’t we. How about we (Norwegian steem users) invest in this as a group. Find a location, set up the rigs and take on the project showing the government that this is the way to do it:-)

Sure! I'm sure that is all ready happening :)

Definitely something I'm interested in. Stay in touch. Send me a mail at [email protected]

As a citizen of an Islamic country, seeing caliphate and open-mindedness together in a same post made me laugh (no offense). Caliphate requires to spread your belief at any cause. I don't think Sweden is going to cut heads to make other people or countries embrace mining :P But its great news, i hope this will be a inspire for other countries.
I think we will mine cryptos in Valhalla :D

Haha. Yeah, it was a little bit "flippant"..I know the caliphate is no joke for you guys living in one.

Well, caliphate has been removed 94 years ago by Atatürk, founder of Republic of Turkey, but we still feel the effects of it.
You know caliphate's biggest purpose is to bring all Islamic countries together in one nation, and that's the most dangerous thing that can happen to this world trust me :)
You used the word as a meaning of "leading" i know that, i was just joking and i accept Sweden as my caliph :P

Well, with the current state of Islam is in, it would probably be dangerous, especially because extremists tend to stand out in every group of people. Normal, hard working people rarely voice their concerns and organize large groups that would want to change something from ground up. For that to happen, the s##t would really have to hit the proverbial fan.
I would dare say that some 100 years ago that would have worked quite well, but today Muslims are so disconnected from every facet of original faith that it would require some very hard resetting and reeducating for it to be a good movement. At present you have rich Arabs that have stopped working or giving any attention to anything but themselves, being satisfied by their enormous wealth, just paying money to make the problems go away. You have those that have been in war or poverty, devoid of any education, angry at foreigners or other nations or tribes, blaming them for death of loved ones or their general misfortune, taught Islam by people who have their own agendas and are trying to accomplish them by exploiting gullible people. Then you have the educated and emancipated abroad that are having a hard time fitting in, some of it by their own fault for refusing to be flexible, some of it due to hate and misunderstanding of other people.
But, as I see it, for us people ever to evolve and things to get better, we all have to unite, not just Muslims or Christians or atheists. And it would be great if even people who have some things in common wouldn't hate each other...

Brilliant mate, you see the same as me - you could actually just have erased all text and left the pictures with this 3 women 😁guess they will be busy the coming months trying to cover up the pedos who seems to be attracted to politics because of free alco & young men and women

Hehe. Politicians = The insane clown posse

Sweden wants it's cake and to eat it too. I have no doubt that when we are born that we are all the same, but after 30 years of socialisiation a adult Western European is not the same as eg an adult north Korean who has spent his entire life being brainwashed or an adult Muslim from eg the remote parts of Afghanistan. Not all cultures are compatible. To say this is not racist, it's reality. If all cultures are compatible then let these feminists go to an islamic country and practice their behaviour there 1to1 just as they do in the western world. If they are lucky all they will get is a beating but they'l probably be raped and killed. If we import a few people we can integrate them as the numbers force them to. But if we import massess, millions. We are taking on a impossible task. Europe is importing it's future wars and it is doing so with open eyes. And these insane political policies are making it bad for migrants who have been here for a long time and have done everything right. If Europe wants migrants to drive the economy why not call China and ask for 20million han Chinese, they will work hard, build stores, restaurants etc. And not1 terrorist attack. And Chinese are more likely to become IT experts than some illiterate goatherder from Afghanistan.

This is the reason I moved to Prague, they got 12 last year - and Zeman said to the Kansler, its ok that you invite people for dinner but you dont have to invite your guests to your neighbour.

@norwegianviking ...you live in Prague? How did you do that? Do you work there? Living off of crypto profits? I'm seriously considering to relocate or at least buy a "safe-house" in eastern europe. Any thoughts on that? Stay in touch.Send me a mail at [email protected]

Prague is as central europe as it can be, at least the most laidback of the old soviet block countries - this is for me the crypto captiol of europe with several of ATM machines, and lots of innovations going on in the space😁both general bytes and Trezor are cz? However, its many years ago I got tired from sitting with Norwegian people with Hersketeknikk....I have travelled many places, but found out that Bohemia valley is my place. Try it out😊if you want a place with less frustrations according to innovations, nice women and laid back life....this is the place.

But is it easy to get a house there? job? social security? How does it work for a foreginer? You had a job there first?

Yes, it is - look up unemployment rate. Here is also extremely low living costs.

Doing business here with an old friend

We are in EU, same rules as in Sweden more or less 😊

You should start practicing some Slavic things. Rule No1: tracksuit is the best fashion choice for every event. Rule No2: don't simultaneously open the door and the window, that wind causes terrible diseases. Rule No3: Don't sit on the ground, it's disgusting, squat instead... :D

I can't squat very well due to torn ACL's...I guess real slavs don't tear their ACLS :)

We will still accept you, your knees were brave warriors

I speak 8 languages, cz is getting there 😊20180127_123237.jpg

Sweden is done! Your Swedish tolerastic government betrayed own people with multicultural rubbish stories. Crime, raping, murders, burglary, ... . Swedes even do not have rights to protect themselves - you will be labeled as racist.
There is no place for unprepared wild animals in a modern civilized world. You have to educate them first before allocating them in a common zone.

PS. I have friends from majority parts of the world - Asia and Africa ;-)

The problem is always governments interfering. If we didn't have governments (or at least kept it to a minimum) we would get immigrants who wanted to be here. The concept of welfare migrants wouldnt exist, because there would be no welfare to migrate too.

I have to ask, why do you associate religion with culture? You do realize that a good number of things and sciences you take for granted now were discovered or invented by people from areas that you associate with Islam. And yet the religion itself is not responsible for those, just as it is not responsible for idiots that strap explosives to themselves and kill a bunch of civilians, despite Islam telling them that they will: a)burn in hell if they commit suicide b)burn in hell if they kill innocent people c)highly encourages them to study and educate themselves (in fact first words of Kur'an incite all who read it to learn and study) d)tells them to be good to their neighbors and obey the laws of the society they are in.
Would it be safe to say that your beef is not with Islam, but bad culture and lack of education of people from those parts?
I will also remind you that up until 15th century, people in Europe were barbaric and uneducated, while people in middle east had great institutes of learning and science, public schools, great trading culture, as well as things like sewers, tap water and advanced medicine.

Robert Spencer has studied theology and knows this a lot better than I do. He goes into great detail. You may not like the facts, but they are facts.

This last website documents every single Islamic terror attack daily. You will be very interested to see the numbers. For a supposedly purely peaceful and non violent religion islam seems to kill many many people. But as Spencer points out some of the verses in the quran are clearly calling for violence even murder. https://thereligionofpeace.com/

Robert Spencer is another person who makes his agenda to prosecute 3 billion people based on his interpretation of how things are written. He also likes to take things out of context. I can take any book and make it look like it is made to incite people to kill somebody if I just use quotes out of context. The best advice I can give you is to keep an open mind and treat each person as an individual and make up your mind on things YOU experience. Just as I would tell any Muslim that thinks Allah has ordered them to kill people in His name to read Koran themselves, not someones interpretation, and see if that has ever been said.

3billion lol. Since when?

You seem to be iperating on the assumption that islam is innocent in all the violence. The violent veraes of which there are over 100 in the quran clearly prove otherwise. Sure it's not all violent and we can debate contexts and politics. But this religious based violence is a direct result of such teachings. Robert Spencer is a good guy who used to train the fbi on islamic terror. The good thing about a book is you can read it and that is not interpretation. If it says do x and someone does x then that is what the book does. It has peaceful verses from when Muhammad was a weak man but when he gained power the verses became more violent. He even killed critics who posed no threat to him, even a elderly man. You need to stop giving islam a innocence it never deserved and start recognising it's violence. The problem is not the violent verses but rather what muslims and their leftist supporters do about them. To say it's not violent is to say "Move along people, no problem here, keep moving nothing to see here!". Religions biggest flaw was always it's unwillingness to change with the times.

Sorry, an overestimate, 1.8 billion. That is still a lot more then if you combine all the people in North America and Europe. My point is, if from 1.8 billion people all were violent f##kers and were trying to kill everyone, world would be way worse off then it is now. As for those that act the way they do, I completely agree, they are scum that needs to be routed out. Calling all Muslims like that is acting like Hitler and saying all Jews should die. And yes, Koran is full of violent verses, but if you read carefully those depict either God's punishment in the past, or warning for the future. None of those incite people to do those things. It is clearly stated that all punishment related to religion, not real world crime, is done by God. It is also described that only God can know what persons sins are and what his fate is, and to kill a person because of religion is to rob him or her the chance to redeem themselves. The same mistake was done by Catholic Church during dark ages. Nowhere in Bible does it say you should kill anyone due to religion, yet crusaders took it upon themselves to act like God and decide who needs punishment. And even back then you had orders within the church, such as Order of St. Francis, who did marvelous good deeds and tried to stop the idiocy.
Extremism is the worst part of human nature, even while we all tilt to it a bit. As such, we should always be careful of not becoming what we are fighting against.

Looks lot of positive comments saying Norway could the lead Cryptocurrency mining so I think Norway will going to be good in crypto soon :) ..all the best!

upvote and resteem done hope you will give me huge upvote thanks

Thanks for cryptocuurrency news update providing.... i appreciate this post... best of luck dear

Great post good job carry on my bro..we are here ur big supporter thanks a lot for sharing us ur lovely post

Thanks friend.......thanks for your information.....success

This post has received a 22.02 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @scandinavianlife.

wow nice

Good informative article written on sweedon. Thanks for sharing.

good information bipoint

Clicked article 100% sure feminism talk will a way in to the comments at one point. Not disappointed.

This post has received a 3.55 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @scandinavianlife.

Thank you for sharing the information

Eyy Iam from Sweden nice post!👍

And while Sweden is slowly turning into a crypto-haven/islamic caliphate, it remains to see if the norwegian government/kindergarden aunties that rule us are able to do what should be done.

You got yourself another faithful follower and voter (although still small, I'm working on it) ;) Keep up with great, crypto-motivational posts like this!

well smebody will take step for it


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This is great I’m going to follow you. Funny I have many friends in Biden. I live in NYC but I am moving back to Sweden soon to live in both countries. Your funny.. great post .
I’m 🙏🏿 @bigapplebo

Looking at all that computer hardware just for mining is crazy

thanks for sharing!!👍

I think that all countries of the world will have to choose to accept cryptocurrencies ... It is a Boom, an economic revolution of these times ...

Regards @scandinavianlfe

loved this piece having lived in Stockholm , i agree with all of what you wrote.