
Scaredy bro... its terrible... like i sold my house and divorced my wife and put it all on bitcoin and its been like 6 days now and I'm not rich... this is not right!!! i say we sue them!

Class action baby! Let's get 'em!

hodl my friend

the world can't change overnight!

Cryptocurrencies are still in the infancy stage of their lifes... Not many people own it compared to the population. If you look at their market saturation they have about half a billion dollars invested in the crypto markets. This is a tiny amount when compared to other economic sectors even when we look at something like gold or silver where their marketshare is in the trillions.

Bitcoin charging up... Like Goku...

Absolutely great. Mean while I would like it to go down to invest. Thanks for the post

Good post man

Hola mi nombre es Herman Sánchez. Soy de Venezuela, hoy quiero pedir su colaboración con las publicaciones que publiqué, la situación es que mi país es muy complicado, y junto con mi esposa esperamos un bebé, ambos tenemos un trabajo pero solo ganamos $ 2 por mes, gano mucho más dinero publicando publicaciones en Steemit que haciendo 8 horas al día y 6 días a la semana, la situación en Venezuela no da para poder tener un bebé pero me esforzaré todos los días para que mi hija sea la más feliz y tenga todo en la vida, no te pido que me pagues un dólar, pero si me ayudas dando votos a mi publicación para ahorrar cuando nazca mi bebé, es una niña y tiene casi 5 meses poco antes de que nazca :(

Afraid to invest now, seems it gonna fall down soon.

bubble bubble, every one is talking about the bubble,i think until next year there is enough hope, so bitcoin is going no where, at least not now.
thanks for the post, by the way i have some under valued posts, please pass by my blog.

Can't wait for BTC to fall so can invest more! By the way, the price has flattened out like this many times before... only to shoot up the next week and level out again. HODL!

Bitcoin is now Tamed by Wall Street !!!

It is ironic that once the BTC futures launched, volatility died off quite a bit. Haha.

yes of course --

now less of manupulation

BTC life high already in?

that is the question

A lot of people are going to buy it now as present for Christmas. The only game is HODL

Oh yeah, we are gonna see that Christmans pop. I personally have several friends who to talk to me about it when I see them over the holiday.

What is even funnier is the way 10% movements in the price were blowing circuit breakers on the options exchange, like they were not ready for what they were getting into.

Bitcoin is going up.
Supersaiyan Mode!
People don't get paranoid.
Hold your bitcoins

i think that bitcoin bubble shoud explode or atleast be stead.

Rip bitcoin lol

Expectations get bigger every day.

Bitcoin gonna hit $20000 real soon!

wow great,interesting post, I really like

I think the sideways movement is good for the long term price increase. It creates stability and allows the masses to ramp up for the next big jump.

That was right and thoughtfull.
Thanks bro. For the post

I see nothing but growth for bitcoin. The Wave of investors will grow a tsunami.

Even the Winter Bear says...