OpenLedger functions as a gateway to the BitShares exchange. It can be a bit confusing at first but they share the same foundation and wallet. See the OpenLedger help center for some guidance with navigating their system.
As for accepting Steem during the ICO, we aren't trying to pull people or funds out of Steemit and into Scorum. We like Steemit and with the community here well. We can't speculate on what Larimer will do but I think EOS has plenty of $$ to play with at this point.
Cheers, the blogging platform should be live in May so see you there!
We remain confused on OpenLedger vs BitShares. Makes ZERO sense to us, and calling one a gateway doesn't do anything for us in terms of having the lightbulb go on. Do they BOTH profit when we pay the giant fees to remove crypto out of their systems?
Agree with you on Steemit or we wouldn't be here, but freedom is always preferred and steem is what we'd have used to fund any other share purchases. As it stands, thanks to fees, walled-gardens, and other red tape, we can't really justify moving out of Steem with our piddling funds. Tells us something about the great "crypto" in itself. Where are all the low-fees, easy to move money around, bennies of crypto? They sure do remain pretty awful as currencies and we are soon approaching a full decade of usage.
We're putting together a how-to guide to using OpenLedger and BitShares right now so keep an eye out for that.
Trust me, I understand and share your frustration with some of the shortcomings of cryptocurrency usage for the average person at the moment. The main bottleneck for the whole industry continues to be usability. Here are a few things happening in the OpenLedger/BitShares arena that could/should improve this in the near future:
These are just a few aspects out of the hundreds, if not thousands, of projects in the cryptocurrency space that are working towards making everyday use of cryptocurrency easier. Unfortunately, when dealing with financial systems, there is a significant amount of pushback from regulatory bodies around the world, so these developments will take a lot of time to implement on a global scale.
Thanks for being interested in it and we'll continue our work towards solving the issues you've raised.