Can the bitcoin PoW algorithm be changed? (PoS)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I have been writing in a long time.
There have been many trials in the coin market in the long winter of heavy snowfall and cold weather.
I was particularly suspicious of the controversy about Tether, but I could not avoid it either.

Anyway, on February 24th a few days ago, there is a big controversy in tweets.
What is the change of bitcoin POW.

1.png It is the tweet of cobra who is the manager of and the tweet that I exchanged with jihan-wu.

And cobra tweet again.

This is not cobra's sole opinion, but cobra retweets tweet of Luke Dashjr, the core developer of bitcoin.

And I put a public vote on my tweets.

As claimed by cobra and bitcoin 's core claims, the hash of the Bitmain Associative Mining Pool is actually over 50%.
( / antpool /

However, if you go over 50% in the past, you may turn off the miner yourself or turn the hash over to the other side (BCH etc) for trusting the network (if you lose trust, the value of bitcoin may drop and the digger may become obsolete).
Maybe jihan-wu might be the one who created the BCH knowing that the current bitcoin takes the position of gold.

Interestingly, bitcoin's mining difficulty has steadily climbed irrespective of recent price declines.
In other words, the miner was kept on sale and the mining pool increased.
In particular, we can see that the difficulty in mining has increased sharply in December ~ January when price decline was severe.

So the mining profits of the miners
Although it has been reduced a lot, it still seems to be a profit section, but it seems to be in fact close to the last line.
Because the price of s9 antminer has risen, and the next mining difficulty is also going to rise.

The market situation for bitcoin, miner will be a fun watching point again for how long they will take the Maginot Line while damaging it.

Can the bitcoin pow algorithm be changed?
Please leave your comments.


Bitcoin will never go to POS. Unless you like centralization and add the possibility​ of increasing inflation and dropping the price.

I do not want the bitcoin to go to pos. They too will. I'm sure.

I am certain that is something that won’t happen. The main components of POS would be incompatible.

Pos still has a lot of problems to overcome. nos (nothing of stake) or doulbe spend. I think the discussion itself is okay. But I think it is too early to apply.


Do you love Cobra?

I don't think Bitcoin will go to pos. Dispite the political struggles bitcoin will make it!

I think so too. It will be a process to produce better results.

my god at the price its at now never in a million years, would only benefit those at the top with us bottom feeders getting satoshi scraps however if btc was more equally distributed however.....its another story; perhaps in another dimension this happened and the worlds a much different place

I agree that redistribution of wealth has not been utopian. I think the bitcoin should bring a better world (true decentralization).

Exactly hit the nail on the head and it’s actually within sight the way adoption is going

We will always find a way, as always.

A BTC fork that would be accepted from majority of nodes is not conceivable right now. It could be imagined when all BTC will be mined.
It would be easier to see LTC changing its algorithm.

I think so too. It is more likely to change the algorithm of litecoin. It is strange that this story came out of the forum. It is unusual for core developers to agree, even though they have launched a mining machine at Halong Mining.

I think the best solution would be like Digibyte, where is possible to mine using 5 different algorithms and Digishield makes easier to small miners to make a profit, even using GPUs.

DGB seems to be getting a lot of mention here and there. It seems technically quite promising, and I think it has been proven that it has been released for a long time. I think it is undervalued.

I think it's the best technology out there, the fastest and most reliable way to make payments. But we will see, everything can happen. Nice post.

more than anything it boils down to concensus, I don't think it will ever go POS but I can see somewhere down the road a change to how the POW works

Since POS is still an unstable system, I think so too. It was amazing, however, that core developers were also thinking of pos. So do you?

Nice post master
Please help me
Please vote and flbck me

thank you , i will

Keep this up, Followed you for more :)

thank you , see you soon

Upvoted ☝ Have a great day!

thank u have a nice day!

I don't think that btc is going to change to pos. If you're interested in other alternatives to what you know as pow you might look at nano and their system of pow (appears that when you send a transaction you yourself do a very small amount of pow on your machine). Other than that maybe bitcoin gold for pow without asics. Or maybe make you own. Myself I fully support bch.

I also do not think bitcoin will change pow. I also support the BCH. But I am afraid that these political struggles will be used by whales. And does nanos mean raiblock before re-branding? I am interested.

@sidonyia - Yes, nano is railblocks. Here is a good video explaining more about it:

thanks for great post!

thank u!

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PoS seems inevitable yet it still has to be proven to work. Ethereum has talked about moving to PoS for a long time now - yet we're still waiting for a definitive solution. NEO is said to be PoS - but that's one cryptocurrency far from being de-centralized.

청년 작가님 에게 @sidonyia님의 후원금으로 커피 잘 전달해 드렸습니다~^^