One of the primary reasons I started this blog was to address a growing issue that greatly concerns me. Cryptocurrency has brought many opportunities to make financial gains. However, the influx of new, less experienced investors, has brought with it a growing concern. As I discussed in an earlier post, many newcomers are coming into this space with little or no clue what they are getting into, and having the wrong expectations. It is even made worse as some of these newcomers are throwing in thousands of dollars of their hard-earned money into what is essentially a gamble since many seem to have done little or no research prior to entering the game.
In order to help better inform other people about the game of Cryptocurrency investing, I have decided to start this series called "Journey into Cryptocurrency" where I share with everyone my own experience in Cryptocurrency investing, including my wins, my losses, and the important lessons I learned along the way. For the record, I am not a professional trader nor a financial advisor. And, this series is not intended to teach you to be an overnight millionaire. The intent of this series is to share with you what I have learned along my journey thus far so that you will not make the same mistakes I made. But more importantly, the intent of this series is to just keep it real. Like amny others reading this, I am just a regular individual that wants to help other people.
Throughout this series, I may, at times, mention products or services offered by firms. The products and/or services I mention throughout this series are ones that I have personally used and/or continue to use to this day.
A second reason I am doing this series is to learn. It is said that the best way to learn is to teach. Throughout this series, I intend to teach what I have learned so far, as well as to learn from engaging discussions within the community. I am an avid learner and I am always trying to gain new knowledge and skills to better myself.
If you find the information in this series helpful, or if you know someone that can benefit from this series, it would be greatly appreciated if you shared this with them. As I said earlier, my goal for this series is to help others get informed about Cryptocurrency Investing. The more people that get to see this series, the more people it will hopefully be able to help.
I will be making daily posts in this series until its conclusion. So, I look forward to seeing and engaging with everyone there.