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RE: Could Universal Basic Income in America Boost Global Interest in Cryptocurrencies?

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago (edited)

I basically universally agree with this statement.. The USA is a long way from any altruism or radical revolutionary economic experiments being implemented on a federal level...

While 1000 USD might be enough to nearly cover basic living expenses for a single person without kids in some states it's woefully inadequate for many states especially California which has a population of 40 million alone. My rent and utility in a shared living situation hours from the Bay Area was 800 USD for a room!

100 million is a modest estimation indeed and getting big businesses to pay this tax while simultaneously attempting to invest in an automated labor force is akin to a penalty for evolving in a competitive and ever changing capitalist "free market".. That's an extremely "un-American" idea that will be seen as an over reaching government, giving handouts to lazy people..

Now, I'm in no way saying I agree with this, I'm just saying America will not be the testing ground for UBI anytime soon, nor will a young outside the box candidate be elected.

The states are at their most divisive state of existence since the civil war 160 years ago which wasn't about slavery it was basically also about the economics of the south having automated labour while the North had to pay their working class. An over simplified version of history but the point is governments especially the US do not make decisions for humanitarian reasons it's always about the bottom line and in the near future out of work Americans will just have to work harder or git out..


I guess you are probably right for the near future.

How was your life so far? Did you get along somehow well with ups and downs? I'd be interested to know. I don't know, there might come even harder times ahead of the world population, who can know?

When the population of a country is engaged in personal debates (as I perceive a country like the USA), it does so not only vertically, but horizontally. When a citizen thinks badly of another citizen, that transports mistrust. It does not really matter whether someone is lazy or hardworking. Those who are lazy today will be lazy with a UBI and those who are not will not be lazy. Having more or less money basically changes little about one's attitude and the image of man that one cultivates.

However, a UBI wouldn't be an over-intrusive function on the part of the government, though it could be seen that way when one is misunderstanding the concept - is that also your view or do you estimate other peoples views only?

The government would have one huge issue less that it needs to make its mark politically: getting people into work. Or even "creating jobs". Governments don't create jobs, they can only ensure that they offer attractive locations or subsidize certain industries.

If it is true that your government does nothing for humanitarian reasons, it would basically be working against itself. The only reason to govern at all is humanitarian (and ecological). Economy in its proper sense is to serve people, not the other way around. Certainly a UBI would not be a problem solver, but as a mental experiment it is unbelievably well suited to effectively loosen fixed thinking structures and to talk a lot more about what kind of life one wants to lead personally.

My own position has changed over the years. I am not having a hard position on this.

My life so far has certainly been a roller coaster but most of the downs were simply poor decision making and unnecessary risks..

Growing up middle class I had all the resources available to attain the same status my parents had but that was not a life suited for my tastes.

Despite my at times abysmal life choices that lead to some situations with low survival rates I've never received any sort of governmental aid or assistance. In fact I've been blessed enough to never require a doctors care and haven't been to a doctor since I was dropped from parents insurance at age 21..

I'm quite atypical though and lived on the fringes of society and not a single hard working tax paying American would call me an ideal citizen. Such is the case that I find myself 10,000 miles away from that land mass I happened to be born unto.. So long as I can help it, I've got no intentions to go back there anytime soon..

I'm not making a stance on whether or not it's an intrusion on the part of government as much as I'm saying the USA essentially considers anything that resembles socialism as a plague on humanity. This is despite the fact that the new deal in the 1930s was incredibly socialist and enabled the USA to pull itself out of the great depression..

I agree that the government works against itself and the majority of its constituency. I saw what happened when George H Bush's economic stimulus checks for 800 USD came in 2007 or 08 🤔 and it was a catastrophe. Jobs would definitely be created by the UBI for oversight as I assure you that most people given a grand aren't going to immediately start making great financial choices. Rent and basic needs wouldn't be the first things paid for unless it was somehow enforced..

My mind is reeling thinking of ways to abuse the UBI and I know for a fact that's the American way and until the culture and paradigm of consumerism etc changes I can't see UBI working the way it's intended..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for giving me an overview.

Those who live from hand to mouth make their decisions on the basis of their possibilities. Nobody wants to be put on the street if they don't pay their rent. No matter how bad or good someone is with his money, he will always have to bear the consequences of bad housekeeping. Whether with or without UBI. You cannot abuse anything that covers merely your existence. It is impossible to live without food and shelter. Just because there might be a UBI does not mean that there is no executive or courts to collect money. The psychological pressure that rents and food emergencies create is not worth abusing. Even the stupidest of the stupid knows that.

I am a social consultant and deal with people on a daily basis who are classified financially at the lowest level. They are unemployed, many without some form of competitive education. But nobody wants to live on the streets from them either (in particular not families). To squander income and then produce rent debts is already a fact today and will continue to be. After all there are legal possibilities of account seizing, if someone actually thinks to have to behave that way, his income - all the same whether normal or UBI - would be simply seized from his account. Even better ... as this income would flow in, no matter what.

Other than that, it's not my business to judge other peoples money spendings. If they misbehave, they misbehave. I fully want to rely on the installed institutions who deal with short sided decisions and help people finding back on track by feeling the consequences. Not as punishment with an ill mind but as a natural consequence which would also occur when we would live as hunter gatherers who forgot to hunter and gather :)

Every person once in a while does something stupid or not well thought through. I think to show tolerance towards that we all welcome. It actually pays into what you said at the beginning: "most of the downs were simply poor decision making and unnecessary risks.." - I see a lot of people reflecting on their lives in this way, when you give room to this form of communication and ask the right questions.

May I ask where you live right now?

Thank you for engaging.

Interesting to see the perspectives from a professional in the trenches of what I think in the states we would call a social worker ?

I obtained a bachelors degree in sociology and never did anything within the field so I’m only speaking from an anecdotal perspective. But, I’m well aware of the basic premise of sociology and psychology and must
say that there is a significant segment of the population in the west that would absolutely put their living situation in jeopardy despite they’re desire to keep a roof over their head and some food in the fridge. Addiction and mental health disorders that are misunderstood or being self medicated don’t lend themselves to rational choices and this has little to do with intelligence.

Seizing an account of someone living hand to mouth is not much of a deterrent as they’re already well acquainted with a risky, precarious existence and in the case of UBI this raises a myriad of moral dilemmas to contend with.

If seized and controlled by an entity that’s at best a welfare state and at worse essentially a free range mostly imprisoned human. Where is the social mobility potential with UBI I feel is a legitimate concern as well ?

I’m happy to engage with someone and keep the discussion clean in an attempt to improve the quality of life for all. I’m sort of playing devils advocate here as well just to give a counterpoint. These ideas aren’t anything i am firm on or hold near and dear to my heart. I’d like to believe in the goodness of man and that goodwill would Be recognized and we can have a Star Trek like earth 😂..

I currently reside in Malaysia outside of Kuala Lumpur in the ports which are among the 5th busiest sea ports on the planet. I appreciate your replies and look forward to future correspondence with you. I also commend you for working with the under privileged and find it truly fascinating to be able to have a platform like steem where these discussions can take place.

Posted using Partiko iOS

HaHa, thanks giving me the warning that you play the devils advocate. My man and I often take on those roles and mostly he plays the devil.

Yes, I am a social worker and what I learned in the past eight years is that you cannot and will not prevent people from hitting rock bottom. It's mostly a choice to live a suffering life (the unconscious). One has to get a healthy distance towards worlds and humanities saving thoughts and stay pragmatical into every single situation. I refer to what you said about the irrationality of people. Indeed, I see that - don't know if thats truly a mass phenomena - as a needed signal for those parts in us humans who remain intact in heart and mind.

What does experience tell you? When you thought of your counterpart as stupid, short minded, unhealthy, pathological: how did this person respond? What happened when you yourself were stable, good minded, humorous and encouraging? The person changed from a zombie into a reasonable person, no? :)

Think it to the end: Someone who is familiar with a precarious lifestyle has to be a loner. No kids, no spouse, no family which interests him/her. Otherwise you always will have people who interfere. Parents, brothers, sisters, grand parents, friends, spouses. This is actually their role and always will be. One does not have to like it but to feel that he counts when others point out something critical. In retrospective it often is interpreted as "care". The state wants to opt out as much as possible. I am telling every person in my consultancy that the state has nothing to do with personal conflicts and actually really likes people to take care of their own. I am not talking about politicians, I am talking about institutions like the courts, the police, the social workers, the unemployment institutions. They are happiest when people can take care of both their financial and emotional matters. In those cases, where interference is needed they still are happiest the less this interference had to last and be strict. People can learn to be more grateful for that. And they are when you let a funny light shine on it. I do that in my working with clients and in about eighty percent of the time we come out, laughing or smiling. The other twenty I just have to accept that life also is frustrating and sh.. happens.

So glad to hear that you do not choose the dark side. LOL ... though ... you and me and everyone has it and should embrace it. ... You know what happens with denial, I guess. Very well. :-D

Oh, Asia! The very unknown part of the world to me. But I dig into things from the East what comes with "Buddhism" or "Zen".

Yes, a pleasure talking to you.