
Yes, you can revoke the reward if they don't complete the Task correctly, but it is up to you to follow-up. There is also the "Reputation" and "Activity" scores that help and you can set-up your Tasks to only include people that have a certain reputation score and or activity score. I have followed you and if you want to really increase your @Steemit post value write about @SuperiorCoin and @Kryptonia

Thanks alot for that. I will write some posts, when I'm more into this g

It's true, but for me Revoke button seems not working, I saw 5 people completing my task but only 2 upvote recieved and also for task I completed I didn't recieved any SUP yet, it's frustrating

I don't see any "completed" button after I completed my task, do You have an idea Why?

You have the option to revoke tasks. I generally don't bother though. Oftentimes it's difficult to actually pin down who upvoted and who didn't. However, if you have a task undone, you can certainly revoke payment, which also leaves a mark on the non-completer. P.S. I have been revoked for jobs I have completed, so please be sure that the work was not done.

It's true, but for me Revoke button seems not working, I saw 5 people completing my task but only 2 upvote recieved and also for task I completed I didn't recieved any SUP yet, it's frustrating