Slump Begone: What’s Next For Cryptocurrencies? Tokens & Purpose

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

As of today, there are 1594 cryptocurrencies available at coinmarketcap and the total market valuation represents $274,954,590,832. At its peak in January the value was close to $800 billion, meaning it lost close to 75% of its total valuation. Another interesting point to make is that bitcoin, during this peak, lost most of its dominance shifting from a 84% dominance to a merely 36%; it’s now regaining traction as bitcoin market dominance currently sits at 45%.

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Best results will be with legitimate coins like BTC. I think the shake out is great for Crypo. I need common people to think it's not worth investing so I can get back in at the bottom.

Good information...thanks @southforce.