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RE: What is your investment strategy?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago

As the cryptomarket grows the investment strategy changes. I would advise you a more dispersed portfolio. Lets say 70% in blockchain platforms (btc, eth, ...) and 30% in blockchain services (ICOs). You sould be holding at least 20-30 different assets.


Thanks for the reply!

I've never really given it much thought about the platform versus services thing. Now that you mention it I've recall hearing about EOS (currently) running on top of the Ethereum blockchain, if I remember correctly. That's really interesting. Does this mean that when I as a user of such a service have to pay for both the "fuel" using the service, and the "fuel" (i.e. ether) consumed by the Ethereum blockchain?

Back to the original thread topic: I see that you suggest a 70/30 split. Given that all services will need a platform to run, might it be wise to instead go all in on the platforms? It's likely to be quite a few platforms compared to services, so it would be easier to spread my assets on all the different platforms, hopefully cover all of them, than to spread thin over both a number of platforms and a number of services.

You are posting great questions.
Firstly, lets clear up on EOS. Its currently in ICO (crowdfunding) stage. In this stage it issues a EOS token based on ETH network, but this is just an intermediate until an independent EOS platform launches and becomes its own blockchain.

Imagine the platform as the land upon the store or hotel or restaurant... (service) is build. Owning the land is less risky and less profitable.

As investor you try to balance out the risk-profit ratio. How you balance it out, its your choice. I belive there are some wonderful opportunities in ICOs and Platforms at the moment. So Im invested in both.

I think your quote "owning the land is less risky and less profitable" sums of thing quite well. Makes sense when you think about it. Thanks for sharing your insights! I'll read up on the 70/30 approach and see how it fits my risk/reward ratio.