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RE: Mining worth or not anymore

Bro, it's funny you ask this question. I just wrote about this topic in another article. My first thing I must say is, YES it is DEFINITELY WORTH IT.

There are always coins to mine, and coins are always going up in price.

Example: Many miners turned off their Bitcoin ASICs when price was down to 300-400, because they were barely making enough to pay the power cost.

Fast forward to today, if those people saved all those coins they mined, they are now worth 10x what they "thought" they were worth.

Another example, you can still mine Monero and Bytecoin on CPU, both of which have a chance to go up considerably.

Feel free to check out the guide I wrote on this topic, it's the first of many. I just posted it.

Here's the link to the Guide


thank you it's alot of help