Hello Everyone!
I'll keep this short and sweet.
I'd like to try out a new idea for a weekly, (possibly multiple times per week depending on the feedback) Posting Segment
In-which Ive titled, "Post and Opinion".
The main idea is that I will start with a "Post", or a Stance of my opinion on a Topic (one topic per post, but this segment will NOT be limited to any one category).
You, the reader, will then state either YOUR "Post"(your stance/belief on the current topic) or your "Opinion"
down below in the Reply/Comment section, where this will hopefully enable a broad and open dialog in which we will be able to view many peoples "Posts"(Stances/Beliefs) AND "Opinions"!
I'm VERY excited to hear from the community in an open-minded, intellectual "Post and Opinion" Format!
And I'm am so happy to finally be able to start creating content in the Steemit Community and become a bigger part of it as well!
All my posts that are going to be this type of segment("Post and Opinion"), will have "Post and Opinion" Before the full title of the new article/post.
When Replying to an Posting, Please Lead your comment with "POST" or "OPINION" as to quickly label your content for ease and convenience of other readers!