As i scrolled through my daily routine of I discovered a new entry on rank 46 with a shortly under 100.000.000 Dollar marketcap named Numeraire. It also is the currency that by far outperformed every other within the last 24h period. It made close to 200%!!!!! in just 24 hours. That´s also one reason i find the cryptospace extreme interesting. Huge GAINS huge LOSSES within minutes. Numeraire Tokens are now at 77$. The ATH was at 84$. Les see whether there are new highs to be seen in the next hours or days. The volume looks promising with 9.5 million Dollars. And it is uptrending as well.
Numerai is an ethereum based token that...
I just give you there own description of their project because it would take definitely to much of my time to write a an easy to read fully understandable blog post on it. So far i have to dig deeper into it to comprehend the ideas behind it as i would anyone advise to do as well that thinks on investing in anything. Please read and learn as much as you can before you put your money into it. Always do your own due diligence. A good start is always a projects whitepaper.
Numeraires whitepaper you find here.
`We are incentivizing the construction of an artificial intelligence hedge fund with Numeraire, a cryptographic token on the Ethereum blockchain. ´
"... a new cryptographic token that can be used in a novel auction mechanism to make overfitting economically irrational."
Thank you for reading and stay cryptuned!
As i mentioned me as a cryptoenthusiast wouldn´t mind you donating whatever amount the informations seem worth to you.
Here are my addresses :
♥ ETH: 0x3483889ce1b7e2f8c01313cf9464064b93163ec0
♥ BTC: 1Dcui9ULMxUpMfGTTQU8Gb2WfPn9orjFtS
♥ LTC: LNkfL4x8fkR9BaHBsNzRmThnheLzMTEhGY
♥ Dash: Xe9zHUQgxBR4Fsnj78oSGiFs53LDYBbbNo
♥ ETC: 0xce15aa840c952b1ae55446591372266a0f6e5e7a
♥ ZEC: t1QMLpmauWd88acksp5JYwRtg9VPQMpScfD♥ DGE: D9XeQjwtwVxG8E4pPGvixMqF9EzUzvWDHB
good post!
upvoted and followed you.
I would appreciate if you please subscribe to my page @riz-cryptonian and upvote my blogs. ;)
#upvote4upvote #follow4follow
Good post man! I will observe Numeraire as well, frankly, I read the white-paer and the project but I cannot understand why this crazy uptrend!
I upvoted and following (hoping you do the same with me :-))
Thank you very much.
you are wellcome
It appealed to me because there was no over inflated ICO pre-launch. It seemed like it could have a fresh run
Interesting blog. I fully understand what you're talking about. The Trustworthiness the cryoto space brings with it one thing nobody seemingly cares about. I really advice people to take a look at: They seem to give this complete indepth analysis of all cryptocoins. See: To see the: NUMARAIRE Investment research report.