Hey I was thinking of adding another project that I could do for the community
A comprehensive yet condensed review about a cryptocurrency
Topics I thought ill cover under it
- what problem are they solving (i research the whitepapers in detail for this)
-who runs the show ie team and their accolades - Financial analysis ( promoter to public stake distribution) , ICO price analysis, Current Mcap Value/Coin supply Ratio
- Chart analysis if necessary
- If its a good price to currently buy and why ?
- If its a scam .. explanation as-to why
I could do the top dogs first ICX, TRX , etc / ICO review route what do start off with and any other points you think that i missed out on .. do help me out with
Need some suggestions here
I like where you are going with this idea, could be a huge help to the community
Done .. Its gonna take some time, but it will be done
I'll start off with ICX as a beta tester and lets see how it goes from there