The whole crypto market is currently moving along very low values compared to the amazing highs just a few days ago at the beginning of this year. I personally don't expect any dip further down but rather that the $10k USD resistance holds strong.
That being said it might be the last chance to stack up more crypto for the last time. Just take a look at coinmarketcap and all the red numbers it's showing. Knowing that basically all coins are down by about 50% it's a no brainer for me to stack up some more 😉
Even while Steem held up pretty good the last days it's now trading at only 5$. Just a day ago or two it was back at values above 6$ already and I'm pretty sure that it'll go beyond two digits very soon. No guarantee, but it would just be logical considering how great this blockchain is.
So What Will You Do?
Stack Up Some More Eventually?
A Crypto Startup Revolutionizing Steem! Follow @Buildteam! |
![]() |
A Worldwide Crypto Society! | Awesome Steem Witnesses! |
![]() | ![]() @TheCryptoDrive, @Ausbitbank & @TheMarkyMark |
Agreed that this could be a nice buying opportunity. Encouraging to see STEEM bounce a bit today off trendline support. Would love to see STEEM trade above $5 and never look back. Here are the levels I'm looking at.
Agreed man, i loaded up what i could. Can go lower but prices are low already. How i'd love another bull run!
Now is always the right time! Steem On !!
... and screw Zuckerberg !! (-:
Zuckerberg can go to hell with his spybook.
very nice boss yes .. ** helpin follow me boss yes **
this bitcoin was nicely standing on its big support around $10k but when the new biggest FUD came out that Facebook is gonna ban crypto ads than people started to do panic selling which ends us to go below $10k.
Seems like pretty good value out there, yeah steem at five bucks great buy!
Really the market is very down 😐 follow you...expecting same from you
I would like a rebound, to see how high the prices can go.
Hopefully February goes the opposite direction, I put the last bit in when ETH was $ a while back 1050, I'd love to buy more, but at least I got most of the coins I want to be a part of.
Go steem go!
PS. Whats @buildteam all about?
Thanks I was worry about the steem going down, this post reassured me
Hmmmn....... I hope the price comes back up real quick
you create a great information...i impressed to see it...i hope everybody like your post...thanks for shear it...
Yeah, no thanks. I'd trust the steemit wallet more than I trust most of the exchanges at this point to hold my value for me.
Hehe, we all wish that Steem will go up, but we need to look at the overall market. People aren't yet ready to accept blockchain for what it actually is, they still see it as a commodity, especially on the crypto end. We'll have to weather a lot of storms before we get past first adopters and into mainstream. But, until then, we fight! And, wish I had the money to buy more...dang these lows are so beautiful, as long as they go up again :)
I am sure you meant $10K "support" on BTC hold strong. I am hoping so as well, but if not we go down to $8K level on BTC. Although right now BTC is 9931, but it will still within error bars of holding 10K.
Yes, it's best time to invest. I have exchanged my Steem Dollars into Bitcoin because it's half from it's all time high, I am quite optimistic about Bitcoin. I hope it created new all time high so people will start to believe and invest in cryptocurrencies.
I agree, this is the calm before the storm. The bad coins/startups need to be weeded out before mass adoption is possible, unfortunately we're kind of stuck in the growing pains phase.
Yes, everytime when the market is going down like that its an opportunity to buy some more.
Honestly I was thinking about it, but not sure because I think I already have a solid portfolio.
I think I will maybe stack up some more Steem to power it up.
I think we will see Bitcoin going as low as 8000, and then new investors jump and buy to move the price higher again. I expect the market recovery by mid or late February. Basically when we see USD 750B market cap we can be sure we are out of the red zone. Which is + 50%.
The best thing is to keeping buying every week, days like today would be considered a sale! in the longterm bitcoin will go back up up and up
@steembusiness I like your thinking and I agree with you on the best time to get involved is when they are in the RED.........
Agreed. The next bull run will be glorious.
I'm thinking Bitcoin has a little further to fall; especially if something negative happens with Tether, which might see a lot of panic selling. As long as you're in for the long-haul, these pullbacks are nothing more than buying opportunities though.
I'm personally hoping STEEM can hold back a little longer, as I'm waiting on funds to arrive to allow me to buy in for more, but I'm sure it'll be back up and testing new highs before long. 2018 will be a big year.
I'm just wondering what's happening to Steem Dollars though. Anybody any insight as to why it might've been trading way higher over the last couple of months?
I totally agree. I'm stacking up on NEO, Dash, MLN, and looking at EMC2. Everything looks affordable. The only thing I'm worried about is all these stupid regulations. Man to wake up everyday and hear about something going on in China and South Korea is a pain in the wallet. Lol. I'm also looking at EOS this thing could explode.
"Whatever goes down has to go up again"
That's not always true, in markets, some things permanently become useless. But in this case I do think crypto has a bright future :) In light of all the negative news that the general media decided to focus on, there IS positive news from countries like Japan and Canada in general. The media likes to dictate what's focused, regardless of actual impact fundamentally.
Not true @steembusiness, you've got it backwards!
Really backwards