
You are doing a good job but in this case, this is not a plagiarism. We are a big community helping people with cryptocurrency learning/issues and we are working together on it.

Please, cancel the actions you did in this post and about this user !!!Hello @steemcleaners, @ali.wood is one of us.

I removed the flag and edited the comment. You may need to think about how you can make it known this is a contest or challenge.

Could you, please take any action to revert the negative effect of this downvote?
Our team is really frustrated today!!!Thank you @patrice,

You should ask/clarify before taking these actions.
Could you please, comment on how are you planning to fix your misunderstanding?Hello @steemcleaners, As @rstracer commented, you are doing a great job, but in this case, your actions (@steemcleaners) affected our community and specific my reputation.

Could you, please, remove the "This post was hidden due to low ratings." and the other taken actions that are affecting our team?Hello @steemcleaners,

Could you, please, fix that?@steemcleaners, please, note that this post has received a downvote from @blacklist-a, because of your misunderstanding.

I wish I could. I have no idea who owns that bot. It has almost no weight and cannot affect your reputation or payout.

@steemcleaners / @cheetah / @patrice:

This is not fair. We thought you have this clear as you commented. But it's not. Take a look at the bot (@cheetah) comment please:

@steemcleaners / @cheetah / @patrice:

Please, do something !!!

We started to add a specific clarification/note (The agreement of our Team) for you in our posts.

What else should we do?