
It's my third day on sweat coin and I'm trying to push it for the month. Originally I was highly motivated by the items available for purchase. The retailers and advertisers on the network give it value. They include Amazon PayPal, there was an iPhone X, And there was a travel voucher for an airline. Those two were the best and now they're sold out. My current favorite is the Amazon and PayPal although it takes a lot to get there. I am assuming the people running sweat coin will step up these rewards get more travel vouchers.
It looks new pretty and it's fun but if they don't get better items to purchase I'm probably going to stop at the end of my 30 day trial.
My best advice is to do it with a friend. Pool your earnings and then share the reward. Getting 20 coins in one day is not exactly easy.
I don't see how this will pay the rent.I'm using it. I've upgraded all the way. Yesterday I maxed out. You can find me on there my name is the same as here @steemseph

Does anyone want to trade their sweat coin for SBD?