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RE: 6 Solid Reasons You Know Cryptocurrency is About to go Mainstream

They don't pay for the gas to pick someone up either. So, let's say Im in a city and I get a request from 45 minutes away. Uber doesn't pay for the gas to pick them up. These "sharing" platforms are nothing but centralized slave operations. It's not the sharing economy at all.


Yeah it makes sense. I get what you are saying about being slave operations. From their perspective it makes a ton of sense. Displace the risk to the end operator. I used to really feel that way about Adsense as well. That it was a new form of slave labor. That is part of the reason I have never focused in on Adsense as a revenue stream on YouTube. A person has to almost be subsidized for a long period of time and everything has to fall into place for the magnitude of their channel to get big enough to make extra ordinary sums of money from Adsense. I still think that YouTube is an interesting opportunity though.

I have around 500,000 combined video views, and make about $10 per month on Youtube......not great.

Yeah it is a weird thing because you are a really interesting person. You have had a lot of very interesting experiences in your life. I often wonder why some people are able to get big on YouTube and find an audience and why others who have great content never are able to go big time on there.
The great thing is that with Steemit you have been able to find this community and do well here. It has bothered me for a long time that I have never achieved amazing success on YouTube.

I'm not a great business person and I tend to experiment instead of niche down and build an audience. Also, believe it or not, Im not that extroverted. I struggle with making videos of myself, so writing is more of a natural fit for me. I like to film others, and ideally I'd like to create some cool films....documentaries. Writing is my main disease however, and I have always tended to be inwardly focused.......

I don't have a "schtick", a simple message. I go all over the map.

I think it can be a good thing though. As far as your Steemit blogs I have enjoyed reading your material about your time working at the car dealership, your time as a model, and your beef with The Dollar Vigilante is fun as well.
I have worried about the same thing as well but in the past I felt like a backed myself into a corner being in a particular niche on YouTube. I didn't realize it until it was too late but one of the things I was spending time on was way too small of an audience and it was hard to leverage that following for a new set of content.
I have seen a lot of people land in that same spot being specific whether it lands them at 1,000 subs, 50,000 subs, or 200,000 subs.
I'm trying to put myself in a position to be able to spend the majority of my time with content creation without having to worry about bills for a years time. So I can really just focus on building the following without chasing the next dollar. Then at least I will feel like I was really able to go after it. If it doesn't work then I will know I tried.

It's funny because people like reading about my worst experiences in life: car dealership and modeling. There was nothing exceptional about either career, just filled with greed and sleazy people. Maybe that's why...

It was the way you wrote about the experiences. You are a really good story teller. I also thought it was very interesting when you put up the post about writing to and doing art about different people you admire. Most people are afraid to put themselves on display when they know people might think they are crazy. I respect that you aren't afraid to say anything you are feeling. I think others feel the same way and another reason why you have gained a substantial following here.