
Cryptocurrencies are available now with good discount prices - don't buy high, buy low. That's the name of the crypto-game. #BTC #SBD

I have the following coins in my shopping cart -


I think buying these coins at the moment will benefit me if I HODL long term. What do you think @sthumacher?

FUN for sure. ADA will earn short-term, but jury's still out. I like the fact that ETH has moved sideways for some time now...longer sideways movement usually translates to bigger breakouts when they happen.

Thanks for your insights as well @gibberishcode.

ADA for like 1 or 2 months?
And I think
Ethereum has a huge market in the Digital World. Over a period of next one or two years it is going to grow! Most successful business like online gaming and gambling, security systems, social media platforms, digital marketing platforms etc. are leveraging Ethereum Blockchain.

Do you think this will have a long term effect on the price of Ethereum?

I do believe ETH will continue to grow and probably on target to reach $3k USD this year. It's success is being met with a slew of newer projects trying to improve on the same platform concept. NEO, ICX, LUX, etc. ETC is also rising from the ashes to challenge, so may have the biggest upside potential overall. However, ETH is the platform king and likely will finish 2018 in same lead.

Awesome. Thanks for your insight on Ethereum. I guess we need to support the above listed project and Ethereum in the long run. I would personally count my crypto worth in terms of Ethereum rather than bitcoin. It's fast and widely adopted. Cheers! 🍻

I have been hesitant with ADA, as (my opinion) it has just sprung quicker than a lightning flash. However, I have not dug into it (YET).

ETH: It is one of my favourite HODL token against FIAT currency, not against BTC.

POE & FUN: (I had to open CoinMarketCap for its stats) However, they look interesting. I would not buy FUN now, as the price seems high (most notably in BTC).

Thanks for your insights. I am looking into NEBL for long-term Hodl. I just missed the VIAcoin train. Might buy 8BIT (seems risky though).

As for the rest, I will see what Cryptocurrency Calendar has in-store for future crypto fundamentals.

Thanks @sthumacher for your wonderful insights. I will check NEBL also!

Would like to see your detailed posts on many other cryptos in the future. Cheers!

Why, MoonCoin, of course!

It has an insane amount of supply, but seems worthwhile

Against BTC...