Hmmmm, very interesting. I like the fact that it's appears to be in it's own class as an investment. Something not of the norm these days. A logic based AI system has me intrigued and excited in a way but in another a bit weary? A good investment........ why not as tech. keeps marching forward this was sure to come to light. It's cheap enough to not worry with if it were to fail. The AI advancement is here to stay whether we like it or not as people all around the world are mining 24/7 consistently upgrading their operations essentially growing this intelligence daily. All the while the growing AI rewards the minors through coin and token payment advancing its own growth exponentially ............ I'll look into tau more as you have my attention. Great post! :)
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yes, it's a logic based rather than a statistical based AI system
more strictly, it allows machine comprehensible languages to be defined under it, and it can extract propositions made with these languages into its knowledge base
then it can make logical deductions or piece together code in any machine comprehensible language defined under it
Its features are not even limited to this. Tau is quite amazing really. You can look at the code yourself.
Woww.. Very interesting.