To create coins, it is possible to use a PC (already mentioned above). The user will have to install software that will set a task for the PC: solving a certain type of task to select a specific combination. The solved combination is a new block of the system. If the PC decides the combination, it receives 25 BTC.
It seems very simple, but in fact it is not. Why?
Every 10 minutes around the world there are 25 BTC! That is, the maximum number of bitcoins, which can be extracted in 24 hours - 3600 coins! Every 4 years the number will fall 2 times;
The number of capacities that are currently participating in mining is continuously growing.
For ordinary mining, you will need very powerful equipment. The efficiency of coin mining is heavily influenced by the power of the processor, video cards and the size of RAM.
The second option is cloud mining. Like this? On the Internet there are online sites that are ready to allocate capacity for the production of crypto currency for a fee. In fact, customers get power and do not use their own, but ... You'll have to pay some rent. Usually, the return on investment comes around 8 months, which may not suit many users.