Look carefully at this transaction chart -- http://fork.lol/tx/txs
The wiggling orange line, Bitcoin, is in a range consistently above the near flatline blue line, BCash.
That isn't adoption, its 110 or so transactions every 3 hours compared to ~1,500 or higher for Bitcoin. Its been like this for months. Saying you have "merchant adoption" that doesn't translate into more transactions for BCash means --- no one is using your merchants.
Its right there, stats and all.
The "muh high fees" narrative has been shredded since the spam attacks stopped, and now with the addition of Lightning, there haven't been any issues with instant payments, even as low as 0.00000001 -- paying a fee of 0.00000001. Its one of the reasons Very Wrong Ver doesn't mention it anymore, and is now attacking Lightning itself through various posts and campaigns.
Maybe read this article, it breaks down why Very Wrong Ver will continue being wrong - and more about the legal problems he now faces -- https://hackernoon.com/thats-not-bitcoin-that-s-bcash-f730f0d0a837