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RE: Cryptocurrency focused hedge funds now number 124

Wall Street money is one the way. Count on $2T entering this sector over the next couple years.

We will see individual trades of tens of millions of dollars in 2018 I believe. This is the power of Wall Street. Bitcoin will be the biggest winner since it has the most liquidity and name recognition.

The hedge funds, for those who arent aware, are for big money/high net worth people. They do not get a couple thousand dollars from a client but, rather, hundreds of thousands.


Thanks for this timely reminder, taskmaster4450. I would like to add something else that is coming ‘big time’ with hedge funds, and which has me crying in my beer (sort of).

The ‘bots’ are already trading cryptocurrencies, I understand, and with the arrival of the hedge funds in large numbers I’m ready to bet that in the crypto sphere they will reproduce what has happened in the stock market -- dominance of trading by the ‘bots’ (for those who don’t know this jargon, this is trading done by computer programs who replace human traders).

And in recent years, there have emerged super-smart trading bots. This type of bot changes its code on the fly, using principles from neural networks and deep learning. So by the time a bot finishes a long run, you may not have a hope in hell in trying to understand that code (if it has a source-code read-out) because these bots are not taking the time to document code changes.

In the Fall of 2016 I had been trading stocks on and off for 20 odd years, and options very actively in the last 3+ years. I gave up and cashed out all my positions except one I am holding for sentimental reasons; and that is when I got out of my 'trading hole' and waved my white flag of surrender in front of the bots. I was hoping not to see the invasion of the bots so soon in the crypto sphere, and that’s what I’m crying and my beer.

Wall street money will only enter when the market starts becoming more legitimized, right now they will not enter as it is more or less the wild west. Regulation will have to be implemented for the financial institutions to take that risk and enter the market. Right now majority of the ICOs are crap, maybe only 5% could be described as legitimate companies building actual products. Until this changes wall street will stay away as far as possible