I do not know if an exchange is needed for an atomic swap. I will have to research that. My understanding was to try and get away from exchanges but I could be wrong.
Yes the elite want us all working until at least 70....until greed took over. Now, with the advancements made in automation, we are going to see jobs eliminated over the next 10 years. Quite simply, corporations exist to make a profit and payroll is usually the largest expense. Technology is a great way to reduce that number.
Yes, and bring in the UBI. If everyone had a basic income, it could be funded by cutting a swathe of public service jobs. People could get into the sharing economy. One thing encouraging about crytpo is, I've been going through a few posts on cryptos I like in the Steemit archives (by looking at the home pages of people I follow and looking at their videos and posts from six months ago) and I see how much the cryptocurrencies have increased in price even in six months. It's quite astounding. It makes sense of the holding strategy, versus chasing the trade. I think Bitcoin is a bit con - but the three Bitcoins (the sum total of my holding, LOL) I sold at $4980 two months ago would be worth closer to $6000 now. That's not to be sneezed at. However, I have doubts about Bitcoin and like to sleep at night, so I have no regrets about selling. I follow you, and enjoy reading your posts :)
I am a long term believer in Bitcoin as a store of wealth. BTC has the name and the recognition which means a lot. When Wall Street money starts piling in, brokers and investors arent going to take the time to determine the differences of bitcoin cash or gold. They will simply buy bitcoin (BTC).
I am a believer in UBI because I fully feel that technological unemployment is ramping up in a big way. I study technology so, perhaps, I have a view different from many. That said, the speed and depth this will go to is amazing. Things that were forecast 10 years out just a couple years ago are slated to appear in a year or two. People like to espouse their ideologies and hold onto them right until they are suffering themselves. In the US, the voter who put Trump over the top, the rural displaced factory worker type, voted for Obama in 2008 and Romney in 2012. The reason, they vote for whomever is saying he will get the jobs back. They switch because, in reality, the jobs arent coming back.