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RE: War on cash the ‘biggest threat’ to our liberty

The War On Cash....that is a new one on me although it makes sense.

Few people realize that this went over for the past 100 years. Since the formation of the central banksters, the purchasing power of the USD is down over 90%. People stew about taxes without realizing that they have, in effect, a 2% tax increase by the Fed in the form of inflation. What is scary is this is the Fed's mandate...Congress told them to do it.

I am sure it is the same in the rest of the world where the bankers are in control.


If you are interested I recommend the book "The Road to Ruin" by James G Rickards which outlines global elites plan for the war on cash. He is not a bitcoin fan though :-), gold is his preferred insurance.

Yeah I followed Rickards blog for a long time....he is a total gold bug.

He is a very knowledgeable guy.