Here at 420cryptos, we're thrilled to see that more and more Americans are calling for fewer restrictions on weed. It's high time we stop pretending that prohibition is working and let the good times roll.
But while we're all about blazing it up, we're also big believers in responsible regulation - especially when it comes to cryptos, social media, electric cars, and coal. And according to the latest Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, it seems like a lot of our fellow Americans agree.
The poll surveyed over 2,000 registered voters on their views about federal regulations for eight consumer products. And while 45% of respondents said they wanted fewer regulations on weed, they were also more likely to favor greater regulations on other things, including cryptos.
We get it - cryptos seem like a natural fit for the cannabis industry. But as much as we love Bitcoin and all its cousins, they're just not practical for most cannabis businesses. With high transaction costs and unpredictable volatility, it's a lot of work to set up a digital wallet and accept crypto payments - and that's assuming you can even find a crypto-friendly bank in the first place.
At the end of the day, we think it's time for the government to take a chill pill and let us do our thing. Whether you're into weed or cryptos (or both), it's all about having a good time and doing it safely and responsibly.