Be like the Honeybee – The Power of Distributed Mining

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At WinMiner, our logo is a cute little honeybee. While most people might not stop and think much beyond it, other than to notice how eye-catching the yellow and black color scheme is, we chose a bee for a very specific reasons. Like a beehive, WinMiner is a community of individuals working together for a big task.

Bees have to fill the wax chambers within their hive with the nutrient-rich honey that they’ll eat over the winter. If a single bee had to bring in enough nectar to make enough honey to support the entire colony for the winter, it would be too much. That’s why all the worker bees share the load, and then share in the bounty during the cold months.

Likewise, it has become too much for a single home computer to mine a bitcoin or other major cryptocurrency. But with WinMiner, every user contributes their spare computing power to the effort, and reaps their share of the profits.

It’s our belief that by making crypto mining accessible to the average person, and bringing more people into the effort, we can honor the original intention of cryptocurrency to remain decentralized. Currently, there are too many large mining operations controlling too much of the world’s supply of cryptocurrency. This not only risks unbalancing the decentralized nature of these currencies, but it also makes newcomers feel like there’s no point in mining at home.

We want to see a return to the “good old days” (of just a few years ago) when anyone could mine crypto coins on their home computers. We want this to be a passive form of income. The Airbnb of computers, if you will, and you won’t even have some stranger leaving groceries in your fridge.

One-click crypto mining is the perfect beginner’s introduction to the world of the blockchain and cryptocurrency. Sort of a “set and forget it” approach to mining, where you don’t really have to think about it until the time comes to see how much you’ve contributed to the effort and cash in your rewards.

And that’s the big difference between WinMiners and honeybees. A bee has to go out all day, flying from flower to flower to bring enough nectar home to the hive. Our miners just have to use their computers like they normally would, and let their spare processing power and storage space help out where it can.

To stay up to date on the latest WinMiner news, join our Telegram group and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Medium.


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