welcome digital asset news hey top stories and cryptocurrency in digital assets and break them down into bite-sized pieces today we've got some pretty interesting stories about price action mining and what I would consider just a laughable type of event so first up US government blacklists Bitcoin addresses tied to a hundred million cryptocurrency laundering scheme and Bitcoin miners set a record hash rate despite the price recently experiencing a large massive weekly drop in over two months and why this is our prized article about what's gonna happen in the next two months as the Bitcoin having comes down and how this all relates to the Bitcoin price and finally we're going to talk about mass adoption which is a story about how there are now over 7,000 cryptocurrency ATMs worldwide and why this is big news for Bitcoin and the entire cryptocurrency market and finally at the very last piece we're gonna go over the scam of the day which we'll do at the very end of these stories so let's get into it so first up this one to me is laughable US government blacklist Bitcoin addresses tied to a hundred million crypto currency laundering scheme and if you're new to this channel you know that we do this scam of the day every single video but for these types of scammers who've already gotten away with it I mean they're gone and with this article we're gonna dig into it's gonna show you just how easy it is that once these scammers get your money that's it it doesn't matter what's going on or how powerful a government is and they are out of there so let's get into it so the US Treasury Department is blacklisting ooh 20 Bitcoin addresses associated with a pair of Chinese nationals accused of laundering millions of dollars worth of stolen cryptocurrency a hack show tidal Lazarus group of cyber thieves allegedly linked to North Korea and NOAA for stealing digital assets from crypto currency exchanges and this goes on blah blah about how awful this is and now they're gonna you know hammer down on it investigators say the crypto laundering is part of a larger effort by North Korea to fund its weapons programs by illicit means and then some information with the UN National Council which really nobody can so the last sentence is where I thought it was just laughable because it says here o fact listed 8 Bitcoin addresses tied that Tian Union and 12-time to lie Jaedong millions of dollars a Bitcoin have moved through the addresses in the past although most of the addresses have been drained all ball funds that time of publishing so what are you gonna do see a blacklisted some Chinese nationalists are that are have ties to North Korea and they get away with you know hundreds of millions of dollars a hundred million dollars yeah so what you gonna do what is the big thing it's not like these agencies are gonna go to China or North Korea I'm like hey give us those people didn't do anything all that money is gone so we start to talk about scam of the day it's important that we deal with these things now because these type of nonsense can happen and once that cryptocurrency is gone it's gone baby it's not coming back so I took a look real quick at the US Department of Treasury and here they have it listed you know why Jiang dong and Charlene yang Tianjin yen and it just gives their cryptocurrency addresses but who cares it's gone and that's it this is why I considered it laughable and if we don't deal with this now with these types of scammers it's all out of here and it's gonna be out of control next up Bitcoin miners set record hash rate despite price recently experiencing largest weekly drop in over two months so over the past seven days we've all felt this the Bitcoin price dropped by twelve percent and this is the largest weekly plunge since November 2019 so hey you know we're we're making strides we're making gains unfortunately it's in the wrong direction this plummet went from 8615 to as low as 70 157 in November 2019 drop which was 17% within a week if this would happen in the stock market people would lose their minds because they don't have ice in their veins like we do if you're in this market for any amount of time cryptocurrency digital assets you know you're like that 10% 5% whatever in a day or a week we don't care because we're used to it it's just how it is so for all the people that come over here that are from stocks mutual funds get ready because you're about to get shook and that's just how it is you have to understand the market that you're in you have to understand it's high volatility but with great risk comes great rewards moving on last week Bitcoin dropped a long sign stocks as fears of a corona virus pandemic increased predictably this led to many questioning Bitcoin status is a safe haven asset even I did did a video about a week ago that same thing we have always talked about Bitcoin being a safe haven or a store of value which are really two different things and during this time Peter Schiff had a field day because what happened with gold was that it went up during this time as Bitcoin and everything dropped I mean he was just essentially dancing on the graves he's like I told you Bitcoin or I told you gold is the best and bitcoins nothing and blah blah well that's Peter Schiff he is just a fantastic marketer just like Justin's son I know some people like him but I like both those guys seem to be great marketers but unfortunately for Schiff and everybody else in the gold market I mean yeah gold did go up but it went right back down to its original levels as before about a month ago so nothing really to really write home about it just went up yeah but it went right back down so who cares same thing with Bitcoin you know big gold here is going up Bitcoin went up and the stock market actually went up today so just one of those things but moving on but Bitcoin miners were not spooked by the drop in price now I'll give it to them as far as like ice in the veins those Bitcoin miners that are out there you guys do not care you like look this having's coming up we got a you know turn-and-burn these machines and get this hash rate as high as we can go because then around May 20 2008 firts are gonna be dropped in half so Bitcoin mining power hit a hundred and thirty six point three quintillion hashes per second and here's the actual number of whatever I could quintillion is I came to fathom that number it's just beyond me so I need pictures here's the hash power from blockchain this is hash rate or Tara hashes per second you're looking at this was a 30 day this 30 day so yeah so here's a 30 day and it doesn't look suit too impressive right now you like that goes up goes down here's the big spike they were talking about terrorises hundred thirty-six sure let's take a look at sixty days yeah yeah okay still going up and down like a big sawtooth pattern and remember so hash rate is just the computing power of the Bitcoin mining Network so the higher it is the more computing power is being used electricity is being used all that stuff to pump out and solve these are actually secure the network and to get Bitcoin rewards so that's sixty days they could look at 180 days now we're seeing something it looks like there was some drops here on September but just continually goes up but when I start to look at the one year hash rate now we're looking at some power this is just in one year imagine going from forty million to you're essentially tripling to over a hundred and thirty million that's amazing in one year let's take a look at two years now becomes more clear look at this computing power this is in 2018 it went from twenty one hundred and forty if we take a look at all time it's just crazy it's just insane right here there's essentially as a blip there's nothing and then all of a sudden we are all the way up here so if you don't think that there's something major happening right now as far as Bitcoin mining getting everything in before this having the having prices to increase afterwards I see it I see it something bigs going to happen and we're gonna take a look at why I why it's gonna go up moving on this shows that despite the lackluster prices miners are still incentivize to keep the Bitcoin network secure yeah sure I guess but I think it's more about this this also comes the having of the miners rewards draws closer notably the stock the flow crater known as Plan B suggests that Bitcoin price is still in course to witness a phenomenal break out after the having so you have to understand these miners after May 20-22 getting twelve and a half Bitcoin per block but after May it's six point two five so the same amount of work from one day the next same amount of work same amount of power same amount of electricity same amount of money that you have to put out as a miner to to mine these Bitcoin but you get half the reward not not a great deal if you're a minor but I think the big money's gonna do okay and so look at this plan B or Plan B he is a Twitter user and I honestly never heard of him apparently he's a big guy and Twitter I'm not a big Twitter person I have a week Twitter game you can see I only have like a couple hundred followers on Twitter but Plan B recently noted that the price of Bitcoin stayed above eighty two hundred dollars in February just like he had predicted he further said that the same indicator that he'd used for last month's prediction now shows that Bitcoin will stay above eighty six hundred dollars in March so let's all burn that into our memories maybe six hundred dollars for March if it falls below then maybe this price prediction that he's gonna make which we're gonna go over a little bit is phooey is nothing there to be seen but here was the actual post from Plan B and it talks about hey look last month's forecast it will stay above eighty two hundred well it did indicator just flipped 8600 March close risky with Bitcoin now at 8475 but I like to share it out as a sample test this is toy different from stock to flow so here's what he's saying twenty twenty Bitcoin stays above eighty two hundred and he says if it does that they're not gonna drop to six thousand or four thousand that others are predicting which I don't see that ever happening again but who knows May 20 2010 thousand so in May we're gonna see a Bitcoin above 10k like we just saw like you know three four weeks ago and this is the interesting part 20:21 bull run starts after the halving and tops 100,000 before December 2021 and this is the same type of price prediction I've heard over and over and over again this is always the conservative one Tim Draper predicts it to be around 250,000 so for me I think it could be anywhere between a hundred and two hundred fifty thousand a year after well I think it's always a year after the big point having but it could be at the end of 2020 so we will see and I just did a really simple type of assumption as far as like what its gonna be so I just took a look at differents pricings for the first the second having and I said look the price at the having for the first one it was twelve dollars and thirty one cents that was in November 28th 2012 and then roughly a year later it went to about a thousand bucks and that was an increase on eight thousand percent now for the second having which the price of the having and which was on July 9 2016 that was the date of the second having it was 650 bucks pretty good but then in a year and a half later on December 16th 2017 what I'm totally almost twenty thousand dollars but it's still great but it's not a as a great of an increase as the percentage-wise goes so if you go from 8,000 to roughly three thousand three thousand is about a third of eight thousand right I mean roughly so if we also take that same number and say well the third having yeah it's about gonna be what it is let's drop it by two-thirds so a third of a three thousand is one thousand percent if just like Plan B ifs he says that it's gonna be around ten thousand dollars for the having which is gonna be around May 20-22 maybe in like a year after that maybe six months maybe tears I don't know it could be around a hundred thousand the question is can you wait around that long can you wait around a year and a half to go 10x on your investment that's the real question I believe that's what it's gonna be I don't not I I'm not even I'm not even a BS and say I think it's gonna go to zero like people do is like like a disclaimer it's going 2-0 big coins in a beer for a long time and I think with the big point having the institutions that are coming in I mean big institutions are already here like fidelity TD Ameritrade van eck has already put out their PDF to their analysts that say hey look this is a great way to to offset the volatility of the market yeah I think it's gonna go conservatively two hundred thousand but what do I know moving on article talks about big point having you know we just talked about that goes from tall one after 6.25 in May but this these last two sentences were interesting to me it states one Bitcoin miner even suggesting that Bitcoin needs to soar above 15,000 for mining to remain profitable that's interesting so after this having comes about let's say in June and Bitcoin isn't profitable for miners summer is gonna turn their rigs off because what's the point of doing it if you can't get paid and those are the small ones the large types of Bitcoin miners the ones in China and this new Giga factory that's gonna open up in right around Midland Texas they're probably gonna stay on because they know that it coin price will always not always will eventually go up and they're thinking just like me conservatively 100,000 maybe max out of 250 maybe 500,000 we don't know but these big factors the ones that are gonna win out because they're gonna have the ability to have reserves stored as far as funds to keep their rigs on to mine the Bitcoin to keep the network safe and also to profit later on down the road so we will see in the last sentence it says nonetheless plan B as a shirt is 69 or 70 thousand followers that it will pump hard after the halving and I have to agree with them so we will see what happens conservatively hundred thousand maybe 250 who knows where we are let's move on last up in stories of mass adoption these are my favorite stories there are now over 7,000 crypto currency ATMs worldwide well fantastic let's get into it so the now cease I mean we know that there's 7,000 cryptocurrency ATMs great the article really can can boil down to these two sentences essentially the world now sees eleven point seven new crypto ATMs installed per day according to coin ATM radars data from the past seven days so imagine that twelve new ATMs every single day seven days a week twelve months out of here burnsy five days that's a lot crypto ATMs only recently surpassed the six thousand landmark in November 2019 and four cryptocurrency availability this type of data shows digital asset adoption and presence continues waging forward one step at a time so before I go on I've got to ask you what is your opinion as far as where bitcoin is going to go over the next year two years or what do you think it's what do you think is gonna be at the having an accurate I just wanted I'm just curious to get a gauge of where everybody's at put that in the comments below and then for this one as far as crypto ATMs when I read this I'm like that's at first is like that's great 7080 M is fantastic but as I was reading I'm like hold on why why an ATM I mean if you're in the u.s. if you're in Europe if you're in Australia China wherever you're at the question of me is why not just use an exchange right exchanges are easy to use I mean we have our phone lose download an app connect their banks to data and then some exchanges that you can even use credit cards so what's the point of an ATM I started to think about it and I'm like well maybe it's the fees maybe the fees are low so I took a look at what the fees themselves are so Bitcoin ATMs charge an average transaction fee of 8.9 3 % coin ATM radar said think that's this is the website which you can see where all the different ATMs are and there's Bitcoin Bitcoin cash either - like coin always have two coins that you can use for I mean in different locations so 8.9% that's kind of a high thing so I'm like well I guess I don't think it's that I was thought well maybe about privacy because you know what with our exchanges if you have to level up you know if your level one type of putting your information as far as an exchange like when I went through by Nance when it was open to me to live in Texas it was pretty simple you know not too much information was was needed as far as kyc but then if you wanted to do higher transactions and withdraw higher amounts you had to put a lot of information in so there was the KYC or AML and time money laundering type of provisions in place so maybe the same thing with ATMs but it's the same thing I mean you have to you know on something you have to put your finger in there you have to you have to scan your finger your your thumbprint you have to put your driver's license or your cell phone number now not all are the same everyone's are different but if you want to buy more and more on a daily limit you have to have there's greater limits as far as your kyc the next thing I thought about was you know ease of use but I thought you know I don't need to go down to the store to deposit money to get my Bitcoin or whatever else I just do them on the exchange so again I don't get it there was one thing that I thought about which was if you're new to cryptic rinse digital assets you don't remember but certain banks if you would deposit money into exchanges certain banks would just delete your account they would say sorry you can't bank here and your account was gone I mean you get your money on everything but you couldn't bank there anymore so if you I mean if it comes down to that later on I mean ATMs are an art and ideal way so I don't I'm not really well-versed with the ATMs but if you know of a good reason why we should use the ATMs then put in the comments below I'd love to read that because I'm I could be uninformed and then but there was one thing I thought about and I want to see what how this all works but what about the unbanked as far as people who live in certain areas that are you know parts of Africa parts of Europe parts of Mexico what about the people that are unbanked that make less than five dollars a day because those people it's hard for them to get banked first of all any banks around and second of all they don't have the funds to open up a bank account because they make so little money so I thought well maybe that's a good thing you can have an ATM you could deposit your funds whatever it is that you make and then you could be stored on a paper wallet and I know that that banks aren't readily available and people that make a lot of money but around the globe there are a lot of people who have access to cell phones that do not have access and not just cell phones smart phones that do not have access to banks themselves which I find kind of odd if you're making less than five dollars a day however you know however you can get a hold of a cell phone refurbished and in different countries that they make these different smart phones they're like super duper cheap so I'm not for sure but I took a look at I took this map let's see the actual map here as far as how many different ATMs there are and you can see like in America there's a boatload for whatever reason and then you know Colombia well Mexico v Colombia and then parts of South America good amounts in Africa not as many mostly they're up here in Spain and Italy 79 and you have Norway Sweden the UK has got a ton of them so places where there are already banks but in places like Africa India not really Vietnam so what what I do is I took this map and I overlaid it I overlaid it on to what will be considered the unbanked so real quick here's where you have all the people who are unbanked statistically so the darker the color the less people that you have that are that have an account at a formal financial institution so you can see Africa you know heavily heavily unbanked parts of South America India parts of Europe China over here Australia looks pretty solid and then Vietnam lesseps there is so we take a look real quick if let's just take a look at parts of Mexico so pretty unbanked and then as far as like a ATM cryptocurrency it says five so that's not great but moving down around Columbia where it says 94 there's a lot of I mean that's a pretty heavily unbanked area correct then moving down Brazil or EV way Paraguay 7 3 11 so yeah I can see that Africa going over there not so many but there's still a lot of these different ATMs in the unbanked area going into Saudi Arabia where there's 1079 it's more like Spain 20 Vietnam 12 7 and then parts of Pakistan Kazakh Stan Kazakh Stan Kazakhstan so yeah so I feel like this might be a good thing for the unbanked as far as cryptocurrencies middle assets not for sure how that would work but I thought yeah I mean it could be like correlation but I will say this as far as ATMs I mean people use them I've seen them around I know people do use in the first one well I think was out in 2012-2013 and the first day like people put in $10,000 so that was the very first one so we'll see what this all means later on let me know what you think about unbanked ATMs that's just a - Geyer or what school what do you think about that essentially we'll do it for today's video I want to say thanks for sticking me through the rants if you've got time I'm going to we're going to go over the scam of the day should take about two minutes or so and that would really help us out so real quick scam of the day if you are new to this community or new to this cryptocurrencies it'll ask that space just know that everybody's trying to get your mind and what you need to understand is that you need to treat everything as a scam until proven otherwise if you think that ripple is given away free XRP send an email to ripple the official website and just ask them they're gonna tell you know if you think by NASA's doing air drops for free money just send me an e-mail official website there until you know coinbase crack and okay decks whatever exchange you want to go to any type of project just go to their official website send an email and just wait 24 hours excuse me how long it takes to get back to you and they're all gonna tell you no you know I can lose your money so second of all that helps you other people who are not as well-informed as you are we need to help them out so they don't run into these traps like the people that's over the 100 million dollars from Bigpoint fevering that's a different thing but we need to wipe out these scams so when every one of my videos in the description there is a section that is titled scam of the day and there's a link next to it and it's going to take you to this handy-dandy Google spreadsheet and we have done fantastic work everybody I don't thank you guys enough thank you so much for helping me out because we have removed a ton of these scams since January 15th look at all those scams Gone Baby Gone so that's good news now we just got these one two three four five six now these last three here are all from the same account so if you can we can get rid of one YouTube will usually ban their entire YouTube channel so so really it's four so let's take a look at the first one here see what we got so it's always the same trash 10000 Bitcoin and a hundred thousand three giveaway through by nan so we already know they're not gonna give it right so this is what I call an asymmetrical giveaway okay this does not exist so how do you know it's a scam well that you can also look at the comments and they're pretty funny they say scam some may not send some will but if he's seeing this type of scam if you're still like on the fence like is this real then just sent by Nance an email and say hey you guys can we cut those a bitcoin they're gonna tell you no they're gonna come back here if you could and we're gonna downvote this and we're looking for the report which scammers always hide it it's always on three dots click on report we're gonna say spammer misleading choose a type and that is scams and fraud doesn't play the links or maybe it does I it's in the video there so there's links within the description I guess click Next and we're gonna say hey this is the skin and we're gonna click report and we're done so takes about a minute to do three or four doesn't take too long I think the whole longest thing it takes us to load the load the YouTube video itself and that's it so if you could help me out I really appreciate it thanks for sticking with me to the very end listen through all these rants and mumblings I really do appreciate everybody if you like these types of videos there's gonna be two more than gonna pop up to the left and right I don't know what they are because they're curated for your viewing pleasure by YouTube and that's it so thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one
