Excellent post and certainly needed. I also suggest reporting these scammers to Telegram as well. While that may seem like playing “wacka mole” if we all work together reporting these scammers we can help keep the numbers down across the platform and potentially give Telegram some information they need on the back end to build some sort of trend or pattern to see how they could prevent or deter this behavior.
Personally, I won’t send any “ICO” funds in this manner. A LEGIT PROJECT WILL NEVER ASK YOU TO SEND THEM FUNDS! I am not sure why that doesn’t sink into most people’s heads. Most of the legit projects will also place this fact in their telegram groups. Take the time to read any pinned message found inside any project’s Telegram group you are interested in or just joined.
Thecryptoninja deserves a lot of upvotes for this post because she or he (sorry not sure and I don’t want to use the wrong pronoun so I used both) took time out of their day to create this very informative and entertaining at the time post to warn people and give them some additional tools to protect themselves.
While I have ran out of upvote power I have posted this in one of my Telegram channels about airdrop scams here: https://t.me/airdropscams
Thank you for taking out the time to reply and appreciate the article.
Correct, report scammers to the Telegram/admins. In many instances, the scammers are not present inside the group and contact the investors by their username.
Thank you again for adding value through your comment. Have a nice day !!!