To be clear, there's no PENALTY for posting Steemit content, right? The "penalty" is simply that readers on Scorum will appreciate new content, and therefore will have a tendency to upvote it more readily?
We've gotten just about zilch from writing our hearts-out for Steemit, so we wouldn't mind breaking in your brand new site with some editted content we've already invested the sweat-equity, just so WE can see if your site is going to have legs. Certainly we wouldn't be reposting timely stuff (like a writeup for a single game), but might post the higher value stuff which isn't time sensitive.
We never read the terms of service for Steemit, but is there a legal issue here? If so, that'd be good news for your site, bc we'd stop posting on Steemit almost immediately.
Also, will your terms of service, per the whitepaper, disallow us from pulling our Scorum-written content to port somewhere else if your site isn't providing the "mojo" shall we say?
wishing Scorum well, of course, and hope it's more vibrant than Steemit which has been a bust sports-wise, but a sweet experiment anyway.
Hey @tenhanger, good questions. In the early phase we'll welcome reposted content, and certainly "evergreen" content is welcome. You will also be welcome to post your Scorum content elsewhere as you see fit, obviously the Scorum community would benefit more from our authors driving more readers to Scorum to read the content there but do what you gotta do...