So today as i was going through the coins on today, I noticed its a red day, the graphs are pointing downwards indicating the deflation of coins,
Now this has two meaning,
The value of the coins has reduced
its the best time to invest i.e buy some of these great coins and wait for them to increase.
How I trade is everytime I see a complete red day I tend to make most of my trades mostly steem lol
thats a nice trick
This time a week ago I went on a jolly shopping spree, however this week I looked but did not pull the trigger on anything, instead I am going to go to bed in the hope that in the morning there are even better bargains on offer (but oh god it was hard to resist). I trawled the net looking for any reason (other than the fact that it is the 26th and the future contracts have just expired / rolled over) but I could not find any real reason for all the red , so I just put it down to general sentiment and figured that I would hold off till tomorrow......Well I guess time will tell, lets see what happens. Cheers Jeff.....P.S. if your were shopping what would you pick up and why? Personally I would b looking for something in the Neo camp before DEV Con next week. J
thanks bro for stopping by