WAVES is a new cryptocurrency token that will soon be releasing it's full node code. In anticipation of this they have announced a bug bounty for anyone who can find replicable bugs during the current testing period.
The latest code can be found on github here. Bugs should be reported on the the wavestalk forum here. Node configuration information is available here.
You can read WAVES Weekly Newsletter No. 3 for further information.
Wow !!! Fantastic! One way to help grow new markets.
Need to buy this one - creating waves
In portuguese.
Waves Weekley N. 4 (Waves Semanal Nº 4)
Waves Weekley N. 3 (Waves Semanal Nº 3)
Waves Weekley N. 2 (Waves Semanal Nº 2)
Waves Weekley N. 1 (Waves Semanal Nº 1)
Awesome! Go WAVES!
Spread the word, people.
Ooooh! I have Waves and bought in on the ICO and so ready for them to integrate with Steemit.