I was reading an article this morning from my twitter, posted by, and in this article it was referring to Greg Medcraft interview with Coindesk about ASIC/BANKS/BLOCKCHAIN/ ICO's, (I'm not mentioning ICO's)
In reading this, it really hit home (I live in Australia) about how hard ASIC and other agencies, other financial institutions in Australia and around the world are literally scrambling , scraping the bottom of the barrel if you will, trying to keep up with the movement of Crypto.
~ This is a direct quote from the article from Greg Medcraft:
- "I tend to think that will be the great motivator of the issuance of digital currencies by central banks,
because it does allow you to deal with the abuse of things like bitcoin. The attraction to policymakers is
probably going to be removing the anonymity part, which will be very attractive in terms of dealing with
the black economy and money laundering".
..... Hold on a second, did I read that right.. "The attraction to policy makers is
probably going to be removing the anonymity part" and goes on to argue that "underbanked populations in more developed nations would reap more benefit from centralized cryptocurrencies".
Furthermore, I researched what "unbanked or underbanked" really means or a good source for understanding, basically it's all copied and pasted into Wikipedia from the FDIC page.
Here is a meaning if you didn't know:
- The underbanked are people or businesses that have poor access to mainstream financial services normally offered by retail banks. The underbanked can be characterized by a strong reliance on non-traditional forms of finance and micro-finance often associated with disadvantaged and the poor, such as cheque cashers, loan sharks and pawnbrokers.
Again, from what I'm seeing, which is a move from "banks" and/or "financial institutions/3rd parties" and a stiff move at that, to push or throw their "weight" around in the Crypto market for leverage. Driving a wedge you could say, or making up a portion of the persuasive pie and interact with dropping coin prices at will.. Eventually ~
This is "thecryptopaper's" own research and article. Is no way affiliated or endorsed with any party mentioned all sources have been provided.
I really appreciate authentic and actionable posts like this and I look forward to seeing more of your content in the future. I just followed you, and I hope you'll do the same so we can connect and continue to evolve and learn from each other! Remember, be yourself, because nobody else does it better
Thanks so much for the positive feedback! I intend on continuing this trend on the Crypto because it's super interesting to me. I definitely will follow you back!
It's super interesting isn't it. I'm in Australia as well but this is truly a global consideration. We'll see which lobby will prove to be strongest in the years to come but a scramble it is for sure. Fundamentally it is people (decentralised) versus power (centralised)...
Thank you for the feedback!
Can't get enough of it haha :) That's exactly right for example there will be a post about the "ripple" effect from America to how it has a global effect later today or tomorrow morning depending how much research can be gathered. Hope you enjoy and stick around.