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RE: Some Changes Made Due To Constant Harassment From Trolls

And this one was grayed out too:

Anyway, none of that matters now anyway.

The coins can be bought and sold on the coin exchange:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

And we keep going on the community.


You are selling WORTHLESS coins for real money which is your SCAMMING FRAUD. You are AFRAID. Your friend, hb.

There is no scam. There was no scam

WE pay for everything

We allow members to upload videos for free


So your accusations dont make sense.

Your video site infects any visitor with a crypto mining virus to use their cpu power to mine for you. You SLEAZY BASTARD, cause NOT enough bad words to describe your low class SCAMMING FRAUD self. This is on top of selling worthless coins. You suck ass Mister.

And another one of my comments was grayed out.

Considering your past of harassing me and name calling, I would not expect anything serious or truthful to come from you.

As was very clear in the coin sale terms, coins sold were sold. You see, it was to be that a person paid for coins and got their coins. An ERC20 contract cannot lie. Someone puts in Ether, they get their coins. Its an automated program. Neutral and uncaring.

The DIY Tube Video Community is up and running regardless. So no, nothing is worthless, nor will it be.

We are going to continue using the promoting the site.

People will continue to come to the site.

It will grow.

That builds value.

How are sales since your video saying you had to stop before any investigation. People are very hesitant when someone announces they were involved with Fraud.

well reid. you changed your mind again. which alphabet agency whacked your peepee and told you stop or else? it seems your rules change daily with your scam site. now how does that build value with the investers not knowing what youre going to change the rules to tomorrow? ill bet you end up owning all the marbles in this game. and as you said, coins sold were sold. aka a sales a sale. no refunds. tough shit.