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RE: Trolls from YouTube Destroyed Our Marketing Team and Our ICO

One thing they do not realize is that this is the blockchain

Accusations and slanderous comments are permanent here

This can work against them one day in court

This time they have crossed the line using federal agencies

To harass and slander a company in the US

It is a federal crime to do so

They might just end up facing the other side of the law

They went over a line they cannot cross back from now


If you read anything that leaves you wondering or in doubt

Or if you have questions about our team

Please feel free to email us [email protected]

We are open and transparent about everything we do

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Thank You

DIY Tube Video Community

reid. do us all a favor and go back to germany please. or were you thrown out of the country? if germany will take in muslim vermin then more than likely theyll even let you back in unless.............................

Alerting the government to potential fraudulent activity is a USA citizens DUTY. STFU. All your activity is right here also. Enjoy prison.
Here you are begging for investors into your crypto mining rig scam. Sure hope you have good accounting records. Post-It notes are not acceptable forms of accounting, BTW.

Wait a minute!!

I am still stuck here.

Which part of my business idea was illegal?

For what part of my business idea that never happened will I be going to jail for?

I mean, you guys have turned me in for crimes.

I hope you will at least tell me what crime?

Yeah, that never happened.

So, you are saying that I am going to prison for having a business idea that never happened?

Boy the levels you guys go to in order to destroy an innocent family.

Hey Troy I never reported you oh pretty please don't throw me under the buss buddy ol pal. But I do want to know why you said Chris is dyeing of cancer? I would also like to know why you told your "Followers" as you often refer to your subscribers as who actually put oil in your coolant reservoir, who slashed your tent with a knife, who tore down your chicken wire fence, who got the blood on the camper walls as you claimed in a video that you took down. Where is the proof from all your security cameras asshole? I hope once charges are pressed against you for the coin fraud that all of this shit gets brought up in court and that you get 20 years in prison you asshole. PS I have never flown a drone over your property you dumb cunt. My drone has a range of 3-5 kilometre's and you are well over 3000 km's away. Stop with this nonsense you asshole. PS I don't care that you blocked me, as a matter of fact douche bag I am glad you did. What pisses me of from that day forward is your cunning attitude and scamming new people to your channel. YOU ARE A LYING SCAMMING FRUADSTER AND NOW YOU ARE CONTERFITING COIN...FUCK OFF AND HAVE A GREAT WEEK.

Turd pretends he doesn't know you.....Classsic Turd...

Well danmcc, all I know is that you guys hide behind fake names.

My name is Ryan Howard Lipinski and I live in East Brady PA. My branded name is FixedByDoc and is copyrighted. I hide behind nothing. I have nothing to hide. When you are truthful about things then you have nothing to worry about hiding. How about you troy reid? what are you hiding??? Why wont you provide the legally required info about your so called DIY Tube crypto scam??? Or show your full unedited member 4 copy of your DD214 proving you did not receive a dishonorable discharge??? That is if you even served in the first place...

According to you we Trolls, hide behind trees every night and harass you.

At last, things are on the move, ROFLMFAO!

edit, Old Trog missed out the D.E.E.R!

no shit. id like to hear troys explanation for chris's miraculous recovery myself. musta been that FREE physical labor troys so generously gave the mentally handicapped man that chris healed himself thru work. something troy wouldnt know anything about. for a guy that shoulda been dead 2 yrs ago hes doin good and not even wearin the neck brace anymore. must be cuz chris is 600 miles away and not suffering from whiplash anymore from forced blowjobs. i mean. why would a guy dyin from cancer need a neck brace for in the 1st place? and after troy moved away, the guy sure got healthy.

You know. The odd thing is....

I am not even sure who you are.

I certainly cannot make accusations against someone as you suggest without knowing who they are.

I dont remember specifically saying "timcat did this or that".

Its like the fart on the bus. The one who first denies it or takes offense - well.....

Kinda like the first E-begger to stop a worthless coin sale even though they claim they did nothing wrong - well.....

just sayin

hey troy! did you see on troybusters what mrs. thayer said about you? about you making her uncomfortable and you looking away when you were talking to her and barely making eye contact. weird stuff troy.did you wanna fuck her too besides her daughter? what makes you so weird?

Reid says in bold type "One thing they do not realize is that this is on the Blockchain"......

This statement is also not true because since last October when he invited all of us by video on his YT channel to "join me on Steemit to have fun and make money"........

He has been reminding everyone about the Blockchain here.
He knows this.
This was one of his first threats to new members of Steemit that he did not like.

Reid lies with every breath he takes, and takes and takes.

He has zero cepredibility.

Another very bold accusation against me with nothing to back it up.

Your accusations are actually criminal harassment.

DIY Tube Video Community gives and gives and gives and gives.

We pay for website hosting

We pay for cloud storage of videos

We pay for software development

We even pay members for activities on our site.

and where does all that money you claim to give when your coin is worthless and you have no job or financial backing??? hence why you were reported to the SEC due to suspicious financial activity...

Hey troy. I was just wondering if you thought about what it would be like in prison. I know you will come out squeaky clean and all but any how if you don't here is a YT link to a woman's prison. Maybe you could shove your go-nads up your ass and ask to be transferred to a female institution.

•[-]watertower (25) · 3 hours ago
Look at dat Troy. Someone sees through your bullshit.

FYI, there is no "team".
It is all one person, Troy Reid, aka @thediyworld, @trtechtactical, @diy-electronics, @diy-tube-video, @mysthrio, @blogger101, that speaks in the third person here on Steemit between his various blogs as well as he Up-Votes his comments with all those Steemit accounts.

And, as is evidence all over steem, you guys downvote me to death.

Yet you get all hurt when I upvote myself to avoid being grayed out.

You are the 17th biggest downvoter on all of steemit. Very interesting that you complain of others downvotes. You are LYING SCAMMING CONMAN FRAUD that plays the victim through deception. Destroyed your team of flunkies is hogwash. Damn you exaggerate and lie.

Nice factoid!
What a limp dick he is lol

wait till you see the most recent downvote lol... i think you might cry... dont take it out on mel or your daughter... they had nothing to do with it...

Here’s Trog and his other more intelligent team members. I’d like to know who his social media “mangers” are as well.

Trog’s updated team, now with a photo included of his “silent partners”, consisting of financial partners, advisors and social media managers.

Mr. Reid, if you would simply post the screen caps of the threats, I'm sure you would get dozens of upvotes from the Steemit community. Plus, the evidence would be on the blockchain permanently. Do it for the sake of your team members so they won't be out of a job.

These are serious accusations, Mr. Reid. Can you provide screen caps/copies of the private correspondence your team members received where they were threatened?