I am currently holding 52 Future24Coins and the reason is:
- because I saw that the token creator was active here on steemit (and posted a few times about the token).
There are currently 6509 tokens available on the WAVES platform
- and most of them are just tests, name-reserving, ...
so I assumed this token might have some potential in the future... depends of course on next steps.
waves addr: 3PNtXUTqPHBXENxEhB7hVvq3NFU1Hno6MWx
Were the coins paid out by now? I didn't receive...
Here you can find our faucet too @thefuturenow: https://wavesdrop.com/?asset=8pPQp8B67QpvhR7vLa4eePXVVVQoED6ihXm9tC9ecukh