FIAT currency will collapse. Humans will no longer put their faith in banks or currencies backed by governments.
People will panic and turn to any way they can to store value securely and to trade.
The price of gold and cryptos will skyrocket. Eventually people will use cryptos for trading and gold for storing value, possibly trade gold as a coin tied to a physical commodity even. Everything will by design be intended to bring monetary incentive to every minute action. Kids will generate a minor savings/income from their parents and possibly others such as schools and educational institutions by behaving well and receiving crypto as a rewards program to incentivize being a good citizen. Perhaps a college fund can be generated for each student by graduating with high marks in schools? Anything is possible.
Anyways this sort of system might exist for most(every?) aspect of our life. A coin for every group of like minded individuals who can try to incentivize activities of certain sorts. And as for forms of crypto/crypto-related technology being used in even the most minute action... the Internet of Things will revolutionize humanity. Whoever is invested in this sort of thing early on will become rich if he chooses his horses right. And there are easy picks among the bunch... Like ETH, and like STEEM ;)
Hell, people might be trading "poocoin" where users generate coins/income by posting photos of their dumps. WE JUST DON'T KNOW
The best part is that when we know we're really winning is when this tech is being integrated into everything and no one really even knows they're even using it. It will be as ubiquitous as electricity, you will enter rooms and not even really be aware of the operations taking place. This may be far in the future, but maybe not...
Let's see where the road takes us ladies and gentlemen. It's a brand new world. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Omski out