Hyperinflation, Survival & Profit

Hyperinflation, Survival & Profit

The classical image of hyperinflation has been the German Weimer Republic Currency between 1921 and 1924.

German Hyperinflation

For more information on this event, the Wikipedia link (at the end of this post) describes the background and causes of this event as well as the subsequent resolution.

Stock markets have near hyperinflation / crash events too, like this one from 1929.

1929 Stock Market Crash

I became a student of market crashes beginning with October 1987. I was trying to understand how protect myself and maybe profit from them. The answer came to me out of the blue one day. It's as easy as preparing for it in advance. Like you prepare for an oncoming storm.

Think that's not easy? Well, why not? Your currency is going to be worthless because of endless spending and more and more borrowing? What are you going to do, just wring your hands or maybe just sit there and stare at the tv at the latest sporting event, game show or soap opera?

Ok, think about your worthless currency as on one end of a see-saw. When that end with your currency falls, the other end will rise. You want to buy whats on the other end of the see-saw. You can't expect the currency of any other country to be a hedge against your own country's bad currency. That's because every country on this planet is playing from the same bankers debt money playbook. They are in the same shape, worthless.

Gold and silver are the typical hedges and they will be again. But, there is a lot of new options this time, cryptocurrencies. To protect against currency hyperinflation, buy and hold physical gold and silver, buying early, then set yourself up in 3 to 6 different cryptocurrencies using a balanced approach. The amount your currency you spend on these hedges is up to you. The size of your family and available funds is your guide. If that's not enough for you, then consult an appropriate financial advisor.



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Hi, thank you for sharing, I'm following you ^_^

I always thought gold/silver and land in the country was a buy for hyperinflation. Beginning of this year...I include cryto in the portfolio. Yes, good idea to hold 3-6 cryto ....during hyperinflations. Thank you for the info.

You are welcome & you are right I should have included debtfree land.