BitConnect will let its top promoters take all the blame and punishment.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

I'm not condoning BitConnect's behavior in any way mind you, but you have to give them credit where credit is do, and for the creators to walk away scot-free, while the top promoters take all the blame and punishment, one has to admit... that it is a pretty genius move on their part.

I don't know if you saw or heard about the class action lawsuit that was just fired up out of the state of Florida, but it lists a few familiar names, all of which being top promoters of BitConnect during its glory days.

It includes CryptoNick, Trevon James, and Craig Grant just to name a few, and below is an image which identifies them as the culprits in one of the biggest cryptocurrency scams of all time:

Simply tap or click here to view the entire BitConnect class action lawsuit.

Now, I imagine that the original creators of BitConnect were so smart in fact, that even these top promoters listed above have no idea who they are, so even when the feds squeeze these guys, they'll have nobody to give up.

Like I said, pure genius... well evil genius is more like it.

Check out this image below, which showcases how much money some folks have lost investing in BitConnect:

That's just 6 individuals, so just imagine how much money people were scammed out of overall?

A lot more people if I had to guess, will most definitely be jumping on this class action lawsuit train ride as well going forward.

Oh, and before you go arguing that these people didn't do anything wrong, if you were around, it was obvious these top promoters knew BitConnect was coming to an end.

Glenn Arcaro deleted his entire channel just weeks before BitConnect's destruction, Trevon James started removing his referral links, and was no longer discussing it on his channel about 2 weeks before it fell, and many other top promoters were distancing themselves a mere weeks from BitConnect's ultimate demise.

Coincidence..? I think not.

My guess is, is that these peeps are fucked, and for good reason, but do you want to know why these guys are so so fucked?

Because the United States was just waiting for something like this to happen, so that they can throw the book at folks like these, in order to set a major example as to what happens when you participate in cryptocurrency scams, or all scams for that matter.

What say you guys and gals, how bad will it get for these people, and how big do you think this class action lawsuit will get?


Crypto Nick name is not Nick, wtf. Evil kid.

Crypto Ronald just doesn’t have the same ring to it!! Hopefully it will be ‘incarcerated Nick’ very shortly!!

Ha ha, it could be, but no one knows... yet.

It’s great to see that these individuals are being chased. Ultimately, the founders need to be brought to justice. Whether or not that happens I’m not sure but this is a good first step. They have been bragging about how they made over $1m dollars etc off of $100! That is all referral money (ie someone else’s money). They will have a hard time proving that they had no idea it was a scam!

They have a lot of evidence pointing to the fact that they knew it was, so hopefully they present it all.

Most of the evidence was put on you tube by the individuals themselves. They are certainly not the sharpest tools in the box!

No, they certainly are not, which should workout for all of us seeking justice in the end.

I agree it shouldn’t be too difficult to convince a judge or a jury! Are you anything to do with this claim?

I only did an experiment with a $100, and towards the end I knew it was going to end, but I didn't have enough days in to get my $100 out, but I won't be involved in the lawsuit.

Since the actual big fish are not in the US, and won't be tangled up in this, the monetary rewards are likely to be small. Class action lawsuits are typically going after big money, not just revenge. The law suite is filed by a relatively small firm from a small town in Florida looking to make a name for itself. They will likely win, but the reward will be mostly PR points. As for the promoters, they are already playing victim and will likely run away to avoid dealing with this.

They risk prison time though if they disregard a summons to court though no?

@tolkatore Won't it just result in a default judgment against the person who ignores the summons?

It would, but if you ignore a court summons, they create a warrant of arrest for whoever doesn't show.

Even in a civil action? Good to know :)

You can't just ignore a summons to appear in court without repercussions, not in the States anyway.

But if they leave the US nobody is going to bother looking for them.

If they leave the US, they are freeeeeeee

Can they leave if there is an outstanding summons for them? Can only the police bro g them innor can others, in a similar way to people who skipped bail?

One of them is only 17, so he's not going anywhere, and the others are pretending that they didn't do anything wrong.

Yup promoters of BitConnect are screwed big time. It's not just the US but people all over the world are going to use this as an "example"

That's exactly right, and they will be punished front and center for the world to see most likely.

I think they are based in UK. If many countries go after them, they will likely get some punishment. But a Florida court has no power over them.

None of the big fish are based in the UK. The founders look like they are based in Asia and all the big promoters mentioned here are based in the USA.

Not them no, but they do have power and jurisdiction over all those who promoted it within the States.

I got to say I'm rather happy they got screwed like this! It's too easy to promote a big scam like this and then walk away saying "you didnt know".
They played, they scammed, they lost!

That's right, and now they must pay the price for their actions.

The only thing I didnt understand is how the creators managed to walk free... they should also be in jail!!!

It’s only been a couple of weeks since it fell over. Plenty of time yet.

They never appeared publicly, and used aliases to register. In their business plan, they knew they would get random internet celebrities to be the face of the company, so that when it fell, they would pass the blame off to them.

Ah ok... so the juges prefered to put the blame on the promoters rather than letting all of them unpunished. But still the real responsibles arent taken in the court!

We shall see...

Nothing will happen to them. They can say they didn't know it was a scam and they thought it was a legit investment. They can say they lost money too. The people who ran the scam are the real culprits, if they can be found.

It's going to be hard for them to prove that they didn't know it was a scam, especially since all of them were distancing themselves from the platform just shy of its downfall... plus deleting all the BitConnect related videos isn't something and innocent person does either.

They're definitely not innocent but proving they were in on the scam in court is going to be very difficult.

Usually the defendants wind up settling in situations like this, because the court case could go on for years, and they just want their lives back... so we'll see.

Never invest what you can't afford to lose. Do your homework. Read white papers, ressearch their ceo etc.
Some big mouth on the internet is not your financial advisor.

You're exactly right, and hopefully after this... folks will learn to do all of the above.

I have doubts that the law can actually punish those promoters and the people behind bitconnect. Yet I hope there is a silver lining to all of this. Glenn, Trevor, Cryptonick, and whole bunch of those stars on youtube earn thousands a month should at the very least give back to those who lost in bitconnect. Will they do so, not likely considering they deleted all their ties to bitconnect. Very sad.

Why would they give back? They were aware of the scam from Day 1. They won’t pay back a penny unless forced to do so. They even started hiding funds months ago with fake hacks etc saying they had lost hundreds of btc etc! They have no intention of giving back.

That's the beautiful thing about the internet... it never forgets.