Tired of trudging through transaction fees by buying altcoins in bitcoin markets? During the next year I expect we'll see an influx of USD to coin direct exchanges due to a few factors: HUUUGE transaction fees in a bitcoin based market, (I recently saw a $15 transaction fee for moving ~$80 worth of bitcoin, how absurd is that?), mainstream adoption, and ease of use. One of these - Disclaimer, I hold a small amount of VTC - is the in-development Vertbase.
Vertcoin has taken a few steps towards ease of use, such as their one-click miner. This will be interesting to watch as it compares to Coinbase, the leading crypto market giant. As it is a niche area, (like many other direct USD exchanges will be), I expect it to not be directly comparable, but still extremely useful and profitable.
Their website is here: http://vertbase.com/ (Still in development though)
Promise I'm not shilling, just interesting to see each coin's adaptation to ease of use and adoption ;) Have a great weekend!
It's gonna be next level.