Totally agree with your assessment; Not sure why others have not comment - perhaps they aren't as versed in MLM to really know you know what you're talking about.
I'm an MLM Veteran; I got into a MLM with bitcoin early in the year; after 2 months I realized I should have put that money DIRECTLY into more bitcoin; Now I'm going around advising 'against' the Two merging together; as you stated they don't even NEED to get together.
One is Business Quadrant, the other is Investor Quadrant
Great to hear from a Veteran in the MLM arena that have the same views.Hey @topnetworkeral Thank you for commenting,
There actually are legit MLM for cryptocurrency out there. One of which is USI Tech, currently what I am apart of. The company works really hard to being transparent and the head guys don't hide from the public. Regularly showing themselves in webinars and USI Tech sponsored events. The products are very unique and different, not requiring an initial signup or monthly fee. If anyone is interested I'll be happy to answer to explain
A couple months later; sorry I missed your response earlier; But just this week, we got the news of USI Tech ending all operations in the USA & Canada; hopefully you didn't lose too much money on that venture. Happy Investing!
Sorry for not responding sooner; the feeling is mutual.