Rebranding or Marketing strategy?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)


Was the rebranding planned from the start?

As you already may know, Neo (formerly Ant Shares) has been one of the best cryptocurrency investments in August. Buy why? How does a company grow in value by simply changing their name?

It's simple, Ant Shares was a horrible name. It was odd, it turned people off. Neo is perfect. Neo has amazing brand potential. It was a great choice to rebrand to Neo. In the past Dash did the same thing rebranding from Darkcoin.

Neo and Dash are both ranked in the top 10 in highest cryptocurrency market caps. I believe the rebranding is actually a genius marketing strategy in disguise. Think about it. By rebranding and improving their name/logo they received a boost in attention, for free. Everyone is talking about Neo, they did not need to spend any money on advertising.

It is possible that another coin called Swarm City (formerly Arcade City) which is an upcoming ecommerce platform, may also undergo rebranding. Lol 😂 I don't like the name at all so let's hope!


Now that cryptocurrency is catching on to mainstream, its name certainly is important to its viability.

The rebrand certainly helped to grab attention but the main reason Neo is doing so well is because its a really great development with a lot of potential and a great team. Names really do matter though your right about that :)

At the very least the rebranding brought awareness to their company.

Neo is a great name. I really like how they created the Neon wallet I thought that was a perfect name for the wallet.

Neo is simple and cool. Ant Shares was odd. People who would have been turned off by the name Ant Shares are going to be more likely to buy this currency now after the rebranding.

I think Neo was planned long in advance. A conspiracy theory of mine. Not gonna get into that yet. Lol

I agree with your post 100% and also love your theory, I actually hope it's true...very smart. Will be repeated as you mention.

haha I love conspiracy theories. I also loved the name Antshares, why? Well because I have a friend named Ant short for Antony and although this is not an advisable way to buy into crypto I really did first notice Antshares for this reason and bought in. Theres an element of luck in investing that a lot of "experts" wont admit to. A word of caution on the Neon wallet it only accepts whole coins so be careful when you deposit to it that you include the fee from the exchange or you'll lose a full Neo coin!

I heard about the wallet issue a week ago. Was wondering if they updated it with the new release. I don't have a Neo wallet yet. But yeah losing some Neo would not be cool. I think Neo will one day be worth thousands of dollars potentially.

I will check out your Steemit post

I wrote a post about Neo too check it out. I also read through a few of your posts and if your priced out of Neo my advice would be Civic. Research it of course but its up 400% in two weeks yet still around 70 cents, I think it has plenty of potential and is still at a price you can buy a substantial amount. Qtum is very similar to Neo yet still at a decent entry price and Omisego is another with lots of potential.

Stratis has potential too. The CEO Chris Trew has me sold on it. Watched some videos about Stratis and one had him in it.

Strats great for daily trading it consistently goes up and down so is easy to spot the high and buy the low. Civic will make you the most profit in my opinion.

The Neon wallet is slick. Huge fan of this project since watching founder Da Hongfei's interview on BoxMining. They have an experienced team and a laser focus strategy. I think that the rebranding just brought attention to what was already a solid project and does seem like a brilliant marketing move whether or not it was planned from the start.

I caught Dash somewhat early and have found myself wishing that I had taken a bigger position earlier on. Not making the same mistake with NEO.

You're too hot for crypto