HDD-Mining = No value? Hmm! 0k!
3urst will be here to stay....
Every successful coin has it's ups/dWns
Ppl said this about bitcoin when it dropped back down to $100 and less back in 2015 i believe@rtdcs
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BTC was the original and there will never be a replacement. HDD mining was a new concept, it's evolved in other coins like Storj and SiaCoin. Burst has not evolved or even kept up to date on the code base. It's wasn't until about 90 days ago there was even a team put into place to look at the issues that have been festering for two years. It's like a wounds with a band-aid that is far to small to stop the bleeding.
I beg the differ! I was first drawn into Storj. I seen and invested into Siacoin(SC) but 3URST waS and IS the dominant 0ver HDD-C0ins! 3urst was and is the most creative and is the one making the most moves???
3urst is the easiest to deal with in regards to generating money.
When this is all said in done(past history), you will be back on 3urst no doubt!
Of course you can differ but let me explain what your points lack.
Time will tell ;)
Siacoin is more wasteful given it mines via PoW