
I got a few thousand SNT and the price is rising fast. Status is going to blow up!

you just made the right investment decision

Doe's that not seem suspicious? I know nothing about status network token tbh but someone paying 1btc for a share sounds like a pump and dump.

EDIT: Volume looks ok on it though will check it out for sure

its not a pump and dump. on ICOs thats how coins behave. after some couple of days. more people buy and it rises and stable in value. this is the best time to get it cheap

That is not true at all. Coins do not lose 99.999999999% value after 1 minute.

I would think that 1btc "pretend" trading is to push up the price.

i don't think i mentioned 1 minute. moreso, Ethereum crashed from $300 to $0.1 in 1 minute on GDAX. This is crypto, anything can happen anytime. I hope the SNT goes back to 1BTC in the next minute

Ok you clearly do not understand trading. I hope other people do not fall for such blatant BS