It is tough to find any human beings who are more obviously involved in huge scams and fraud than those who operate international investment banks. This week, JP Morgan's 'boss' Jaime Dimon (or 'demon' depending on your accent) - claimed that Bitcoin is a 'scam' that is only suited for drug gangs and criminal use... That's an interesting claim considering that numerous big banks have been caught working closely with drug gangs and many criminals... not to mention that the entire fiat money system is the biggest scam ever perpetuated!
You can read about Jamie Dimon's claims about Bitcoin here.
Anyone who has done their due diligence research into the 'traditional' 'fiat' money system knows by now that it is a debt system in which imaginary money is created from nothing and then loaned out at interest via the network of central banks and their cronies. To charge interest on something that never existed in the first place is fraud. To create a contract wherein some of the details and terms of the agreement are not revealed to all parties is also fraud and results in a nullified contract in court. This is why I was able to cancel all alleged debts that I was being hassled about by a major bank and also the UK government a few years ago. By Simply forcing them to come clean about the origins of their alleged 'money' they went silent and walked away, having previously threatened me with all kinds of abuse and even violence in the form of putting me in a cage against my will.
Given this giant scam is the prevailing system of exchange on Earth and is used by all investment banks, when one of their operators claims that an alternative currency is a 'scam', we must exercise absolute caution and shine light into the situation to understand exactly what the motivation for the claims are.
The list of actual crimes committed by and on behalf of Jamie Dimon is apparently quite long - you can find some interesting factoids on zerohedge, here.
JP Morgan owns a patent for their own version of Bitcoin
As was reported by numerous outlets in 2013, Jamie Dimon's bank owns a patent for their own version of bitcoin, touted as a 'bitcoin killer'.. Hmm.. So, I'm sure we can full rely on his assessment of Bitcoin as being a 'scam':
Will the latest attacks on Bitcoin result in total collapse of the Bitcoin price?
Well, let's look at the existing patterns.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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Well well well ! now thats a thing isnt it ?? Calling Bitcoin a thing of criminals and drug dealers to then go on copy it exactly !! What a joke apart from the fact that we can see them doing their best to scuttle our beloved bitcoin and investments ! Did,nt JPMorgan recently heavily invest in Ethereum causing its price to massively climb a while back ?? Also his name is strange isnt it ? Reminds me of Rick Daemon, the father of the two Hamsptead Kids and James Alefantis of pizza and hotdog fame ! They are all just demons playing with our kids and minds I am sure !! Great post as ever @ura-soul !
They made their 'money' through deception and exploitation of denials - so that is all they know and continue to use it at every opportunity. :/
Yes quite ) that is the way of the Devil who profits and steals with lies and deception true ! Actually Id be very interested to hear of your fight with these people concerning your " debt " to them ! Sounds like it could be a great subject for a post and might expose the truth on the matter to others ? Food for thought )
Sure, ok - I will post about it soon, yes. I have found that my actions contradict the deep programming that is within the majority of people - to the point where even when I explain the situation to them repeatedly, they will continue to deny what has been said and carry on as if nothing was said!
None the less, I continue!
Oh yeah i know that one, they just listen then turn off when they find that their feet or deep state programming makes them feel they dont touch the bottom anymore and begin to drift into unchartered and dangerous waters !! Its sso scaery to see their eyes glaze over in refusal of the plain truth and reason of your words !1 We are in real trouble people like us being surrounded by these deniers as it leaves us very exposed and easy to single out for a not so friendly reprogrammation of our brain patterns in some dark basement in a government approved clinic for the metally insane ! I am looking forward to hearing of your story and epic victory over this tyranny ! So yes please continue @ura-soul )
Yes, your description is accurate in my experience!
I just wrote about my experience with cancelling alleged 'debts' here.
Upvoted and Followed. Here's the REAL reason he specifically called Bitcoin a "Fraud" (NOT just wanting to drop the price) a 30-second read:
The mouth is not in coordination with the hand it seems
I really loved reading this interesting article. Those bankers are the real problem, it is time for us to change the rule of the game ;)
They don't like competition. They know that cryptocurrency has the potential to put them all out of business. Can't really blame them for trying to protect their own ass.
Yes, just keep it playful ;)
As a UK resident, I was particularly interested by this
Did you blog about this? Would be interested in reading a bit more about it.
A few people have asked about that, yes, I haven't blogged about it on steemit yet - I'll do that soon though, it's a complex but important topic.
I would love to hear about that. There is almost nothing that I find as frightening as being indebted to an institution like a bank. Feels like doing a striptease in front of a vampire.
haha - a disturbingly accurate analogy! followed!
I just wrote about my experience with cancelling alleged 'debts' here.
Thanks man. I read it not long after you posted it. Great info thanks. Been looking at your website too. I've got questions about the soul & reincarnation that I hope your website will be able to help me answer.
You are welcome! I haven't covered reincarnation in huge depth anywhere online yet as I mainly only address that topic with specific groups of people I sometimes work with - however, my series on that topic is ongoing on Steemit - so I will at some point soon post some more here. There's lots of other material on ureka though - especially about healing and spirit/soul/self. You can look through my list of 'thoughts' on there for more.
There are a few books I know about that are worth reading with regards reincarnation. Dr. Michael Newton's books are good to learn about the actual experience of spirits who are reincarnating from their own perspective (through regressions) - 'Destiny of Souls' and 'Journey of Souls'. To REALLY get in deep into the subject (and healing/evolving/balancing) I recommend the 'Right Use Of Will' book series.
Ive been waiting for this!

banks and governments trying to ban Bitcoin

Very true indeed. They will learn soon enough.
hehe touche.
What a hypocrite... He is most likely trying to spread more FUD in order to buy BTC cheaper himself, too bad for him that he is not that influential as he think he is
There are a lot of reasons for him to attempt to discredit cryptocurrency in general, yes.
Well done for winning in court Ura. So many people fold in that situation.
All debt issue where the Bank doesn't have the equivalent amount of the loan in available funds is basically Usury. Literally a practice that was written into most Religious Texts as a Sin and strictly forbidden.
If a Bank doesn't have the money it says it will lend but pretends it does have the funds in order to issue a 'debt contract' where the 'debt' is repaid solely out of the interest paid by the Borrower at a profit to the Bank - then that's Usury.
These pond scum (Bankers) are as old as recorded History.
Thanks, though I didn't actually go to court - the key is to expose their criminality to them before a court event is organised so that they know they cannot win in court. Yes, the essence is usury and it is hard to tell who among the gov/bank hierarchies actually understands even the basics of the real situation.. but it is clear that those at the 'top' do.
I just wrote about my experience with cancelling alleged 'debts' here.
So happy to read you defeated banks! Maybe I missed some post where you talked about it. About this guy...'My illusion is real, everyone else's is not!' Every form of money is illusion and has no value. But if someone decide it has value like most of people decide cyrpto's have value, then it has value. They are in fear because we fuck them on their way by creating value from nothing. LOL Great post, resteemed.
hehe - thanks. I haven't posted about my interactions with the bank/gov before here - I will do soon.
Please do, Lord knows we need a feel good story right about now.
I just wrote about my experience with cancelling alleged 'debts' here.
I just wrote about my experience with cancelling alleged 'debts' here.
I saw it, but didn't read it yet. Will do tomorrow. Resteemed it, because I know it would be good. Thanks! :)
Bitcoin will survive. I am not shure about the US $ for the coming years.
By now, the public knows better than to listen to bankers and related scammers on any issue that blatantly goes against their interests. I'm pretty sure that more criminals use fiat money, or "custy cash" as it is often called, than cryptocurrency. He can check his own pocket to confirm.
hehe - but.. but.. it has a picture of a famous world 'leader' on it. :)
Even more proof.
Wouldn't surprise me if this announcement was just an attempt to scare the crypto market, so these "legit" banker types can capitalise on buying up a whole load of cheap crypto before their ways of fraud are made obsolete by the blockchain.
Oh yes, certainly - any such move will always be 'capitalised on'.
Jamie could buy the whole crypto market with the taxpayer money he have received since 2008 - The real scam (shameless plug)
oh, no doubt, yes - I'm sure even that figure is just a part of much larger iceberg!
Dimon is engaged in legalized fraud by operating within a fractional-reserve regime that is the central banking cartel. Talk about chutzpah . . . calling a rival regime fraud. I really think he believes his own bullshit. He is delusional.
This is exactly the same tactic that has been used by the pharmaceutical cartels for decades - the controller of the prevailing autocracy/oligarchy demonises the best solutions to common problems, attempts to dominate or destroy them while quietly creating their own version of the same solution behind closed doors.
I'm pretty sure that the debt based fiat system is the true scam, not cryptos that are trying to return the power of finance back to the people.
Upvoted and Followed. Here's the REAL reason he specifically called Bitcoin a "Fraud" (NOT just wanting to drop the price) a 30-second read:
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." - Shakespeare.
Transparent desperation bashing. The banks are losing control of their flocks and trying harder to rule by fear. We all know how that ends in the long run.
Those who believe in the legitimate cryptos will be glad they ignored the static and took advantage of the price volatility.
what a worthless turd, banks are the reason for humans demise.
This post has received a 4.90 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.
He must be out of his mind.
This post has received a 80.00 % upvote from @upgoater thanks to: @ura-soul, @ura-soul. Please vote @swelker101 for witness
I don't think so , that the bitcoin is going to die or it is fraud. There are many currency available in world earlier bitcoin, that time criminals also use those currency for bad trading. JPMorgan is a financial house and they trading on Dollar, Pound , euro etc. which they have control but Crypto currency they don't have any control at all , that's why they are putting this type of comments.If they could control the crypto currency , I think we should not have this type of negative speak from apex body.
How about fractional reserve banking? What a joke.
keep up the good work!!
Thank you brother! For sharing the word. <3 Exactly my point in the last 2 days, sadly most people don't even take me serious. Gotta love my steemit community. <3 Thank you!
This guy sets a new standard for being an asshole. Belittling his flesh and blood daughter on national TV for being a bold thinker and doing something she believes in. He probably taxed her allowance growing up. Sorry Jamie, your daughter did not succumb to your idiotic brainwashing.
AAAAA! I can't believe this freakin' crony!!
Solid post! Playing both sides of the fence is the way the institutional "elite" play
Check my latest post similar to this here:
CryptoQuickie with Jovial Joel
Haha, no surprises there then. !! I was thinking he was doing a Soros, trying to manipulate the market then take advangtage of the price, maybe that is also part of it. Now that Market Traders can short bitcoin , always need to be aware that there may be some market rigging. People need to hang on to their bitcoin for the right reasons, and not panic sell.
@ura-soul Incredibly pleasant completion of article! Beloved the photographs and outline..
Global Currency Reset for Dummies.
The world's wealth is in the Global Debt Facility, which is a trust set up at the end of WWII. Two heroes established the Global Debt Facility Jose Rizal, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus (the Black Pope), had shipped all of the world's monetary gold reserves to Singapore during the war, melted them down, and restamped them for the Global Debt Facility. Ferdinand Marcos, Jose Rizal's lawyer, did up the legal documents to put the world's wealth in the Global Debt Facility. The Global Debt Facility also owns over 2 quadrillion in bonds that will cancel country debt. The Bank for International Settlements, which now includes 60 private central banks, was originally established in 1929 to collect World War I reparations from Germany. The bonds held by the Global Debt Facility include Treaty of Versailles Bonds issued during the 1930's when the Federal Reserve and General Yamashita Tomoyuki, the son of Jose Rizal, gathered up the world's international monetary gold reserves. As Commanding General of the Imperial Japanese Army in the Philippine Islands, Yamashita buried the gold and other treasures in the closing months of WWII. An atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima because Yamashita refused to disclose where the world's monetary gold reserves were buried in the Philippines. In 1944, all of the countries agreed to set up the World Bank and International Monetary Fund so that the countries together could decide on behalf of all of humanity what to do with the world's international monetary gold reserves. Humanity is the beneficiary of the Global Debt Facility. The banks, the royalty, and the governments of the members of the World Bank all agreed to delay this decision for 50 years so that there would be no fighting about who owned the gold, since the statute of limitations would end other claims. They agreed that the courts would have no jurisdiction.
Those who sell are doing everyone else a favour....I'm mining bitcoin as fast as I can as this may be a once in a longtime chance.........Buy acquire borrow as much as you can......The rest can bleat as they follow the herd.....
they can not get interest from crypto..
I'm sure all his Wall Street billionaire cronies are buying him drinks now for driving the price of Bitcoin down so they could get in cheap.
@ura-soul Amazing job! Followed.
@ura-soul This is supercool! Thanks!
Go Figure, I also did a piece on this and made this lovely meme :
we should not listen to him at all I totally agree with him
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