This can't be an easy subject to broach, so thanks for responding to some of the concerns here. Like so many investigative digs we're often looking at things from the outside in and we can come to conclusions without a complete picture. The truth is often sorted, complicated and messy and I can see from your response that there's much more to this story than meets the eye.
It's great that you've introduced the human side of Brock into the story as it's reassuring on some level and at the same time there are a lot of question marks that need to be addressed at some point. I also feel for someone who may have been the victim of abuse and how they'd like to move on with their lives and not be constantly living in its shadow. Not that this excuses anything but hope that he does clear the air for those of us who don't know him as you do.
Above all, when I think about EOS I think of the genius of Dan Larimer and his track record in the cryptosphere, the team of core developers, the potential of future Dapps, and the like. It has so many things going for it, it really one of the most exciting projects being developed right now.
I can only speak for myself here, but I hope you're right and Brock does turn it around and rises above this. Thanks for being so candid about this, I think that goes a long way to reassure people like myself who are feeling a little bit uneasy considering some of the issues raised here.
shameless attempt to get your attention with 2 posts I put a lot of work into and which I think you might find helpful, starting a whole series.
I worked my ass off on these. And I know these people know who I am, if the community does not value my work I'm done. Thanks in advance for any way you could help, all comments and suggestions welcome.