StartCOIN- The digital currency for crowdfunding (get small bonus every week)

in #cryptocurrency9 years ago (edited)

StartCOIN is a digital currency that rewards you for supporting change. The more you share and support projects, the more StartCOINs you will receive. By joining the StartJOIN community, you become part of this crowd funding revolution. We aim to be the first stable digital currency created to promote and support crowdfunding. StartCOIN is a reward based coin which rewards users for pledging and sharing. It encourages change for good. Register on StartJOIN to be part of a crowdfunding community with a difference, one that harnesses the power of social media to create change.

StartCOIN has been 50% pre-mined, 90% of which will be donated to projects and active users of StartJOIN. There will also be bounties offered for porting existing technologies to StartCOIN.


60 second target block time
40 START block reward
Block reward halving every 12 months
A total of 84 million coins
The X11 Proof of Work algorithm
Difficulty re-targeting using the multipool-resistant DigiShield

Read more: Site: startjoin:

I have already bought 109 coins few days ago. Today I have 109.02552049 START coins on my startjoin account. So you can make a deposit and receive every week small bonus doing nothing (but minimum deposit 100 START).

My profile on startjoin:


You forgot to mention that this is Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert's pet project. :)

This is such a great project. It would be cool if they made a partnership with see endless possibilities there.

I bought 500 startcoin via shapeshift. We'll see what happens.

Any update on the startcoin purchase?