The population cannot be made unassailable. Only each individual can make themselves hard to kill.
The 'Cacastocracy' has millenia of experience and assets with which to contest for economic supremacy. I reckon they've got the upper hand.
So meeting them on their ground, and only doing so from a position of unassailability means never engaging in a contest that they will win. Good choice.
However, this doesn't remove the Cacastocracy.
Their strength is their economic control. So the way to beat them is to change the field of the contest. Technology is enabling the non-point source production of goods, leg-sweeping the plutocrats whose financial empire is based on capitalist production. 3D printing is a spear pointed at their hearts.
It's a spear of no money. Abandoning economic engagement will starve them, and cause their position of economic strength to become irrelevant.
The post market economy will be the end of the plutocracy.
Political engagement is another way to contest with a deck stacked against us.
Politics is the mechanism they have developed over thousands of years to control society. It's their game.
Don't play it.
Develop technology that enables ignoring them, and conducting such commerce as we do undertake p2p will make their economic, political, and media weaponry obsolete, and emplaced on battlefields where no enemies appear. They'll end up using their weapons against each other, until they grasp the paradigm shift.
The real path towards victory is conducting our transactions p2p, produce our own goods, engage with one another on mesh networks, and ignoring the lure of their parasitic system until it withers away in a post market economy.
Technology will create freedom if we apply it for that purpose, so as to exclude the extant plutocrats from a cut of the action.
great comment my friend