Analysis of Global Cryptocurrency Market

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago


Cryptocurrency is a special type of digital currency that used for modern payment, and global network investment transactions. It become more and more popular with recent five years. Because it is decentralized and not controlled by Central Bank, and any other governmental institutions, Cryptocurrency is very flexible, and can be used anonymously all over the world. This feature helps Cryptocurrency win a large number of customers, and achieved a big outbreak in the foreign exchange market.

Since the beginning of 2016, the capitalization of Cryptocurrency market has increased more than three times and reached nearly $ 25 billion in March 2017. Bitcoin, as the most popular Cryptocurrency, broke through the $ 60 million mark in China in the first week of March 2016, and become one of the most popular methods of foreign exchange transactions.

(Unit: billion)

(Figure 1)

Background analysis
The first Cryptocurrency is called "b-money", which was released in 1998. Shortly thereafter, a variety of Cryptocurrencies have emerged. Bitcoin is the most famous, and widely used currency in this market. Bitcoin was originally published in 2009 with an initial price of 6 cents per bit, which is much cheaper than the price now - more than $2,500. By 2017/6/29 the Bitcoin market capitalization is $ 42,292,880,48, which is about 70 percent of the total market capitalization of the Cryptocurrencies.

With the continuous development of Cryptocurrencies market, there is a new currency, which is called "Ethereum", became the second largest Cryptocurrency in the foreign exchange market, and has a good performance till now.

The figure below shows the percentage of market share of all types of Cryptocurrencies. From the figure we can see that although bitcoin (BTC) has been dominated by the dominant position from March 2015 to March 2017, the market share has decreased year by year due to the rapid development of the entire Cryptocurrencies market. Ethereum(ETH) as a dark horse, occupied 10% of the total market from March 2015 to March 2016, and it took only 2 years to take 16% of the market.


(Figure 2)
Market analysis
The rapid growth of the Cryptocurrecy industry is caused by growing demand of decentralized money, demand of reliable and fast electronic money, which can be transferred at much lower fee (0.1- 0.25% fee) and general interest in blockchain technology. Every Cryptocurrecy has special technological platform behind it. There are four key industry sections of Cryptocurrecy, which are: exchange, wallet, payment and mining.

Exchange is the trading heart of cryptocurrency. It is used to buy and sell Cryptocurrencies, which is similar to the stock market. Nowadays, Europe and Asia-Pacific have the most number of exchanges in the Cryptocurrencies market.


(Figure 3)

Wallet is a storage of currency, which is generally used by companies, miners and cryptocurrency traders. Wallet can be stored online, on special websites, on USB or computers. It can be also printed on the paper. Wallet consist of two parts: public key and private key. Public key – represents wallet ID, and used for currency transactions, similar to account and route numbers in the bank. Private key gives access to the wallet. Starting 2017, Ledger Wallets became very popular among cryptocurrency investors. It’s a special device that stores wallets. Company which produces these devices is located in France.

Overall, 81% of online wallet providers located in North America and Europe. (The figure below shows the percentage of the global providers’ who come from different counties)


(Figure 4)

Payment as a new method of transaction, and it can be used for the purchase of real goods, and mostly used in B2B, B2C and C2B business model. The Cryptocurrency can be converted into cash for use, used as a commercial trading currency or used to purchase different daily supplies, such as pizza or beer. Cryptocurrecy ATM machines are set up in the United States, Australia and other regions. It all became available for the past three years, and allows to buy Cryptocurrey and withdraw money at any time.

(Figure 5)

Mining means using computers and other facilities to make cryptocurrecy. Computers are used to process cryptocurrency transactions, that happen in the form of mathematical encrypted algorithm. Individuals and companies can produce different cryptocurrencies through two main computer parts: central processing unit and graphic processing unit. Many producers of Graphic Processing Units had to increase their production due to sudden increase in demand. The revenue and profits of mining industry have significantly grown over the years. From 2010 to 2016, the revenue of Bitcoin Mining industry is from $ 0.2 million soared to $ 2073 million, which get nearly 10,000 times of the increase. However, the instability of the market, and high electricity costs of the mining process make this industry become more risky. In this position, many mining companies choose to mining two or more kinds of cryptocurrencies at the same time to prevent the risk of a single currency manufacturing.

Due to the low cost of labor, hydropower resources and electricity costs, Chinese market has a great potential and high chances in future to become leader in cryptocurrency market. The figure below shows the global average electricity price (US cent / Kwh):

(Figure 6)

Compared to Europe and the United States, China has a big advantage in the production of cryptomoney. Cryptocurrency mining requires large number of computer resources and places with naturally lower temperatures, because mining process produces heat. Northwestern China has a natural low-temperature climate and low-cost factories, which can is a huge advantage and it is a perfect mining palace for cryptocurrency.

Compare to the markets in US and EU, Chinese cryptocurrency market is still behind. However, China has the biggest mining facilities in the world. Several days ago, a new cryptocurrency, which called "Antshare", was launched after rebranding, and has been approved for use by Central Bank of China. This is a huge improvement of the Chinese cryptocurrency market. The governor of China central bank, Zhou Xiaochuan, said that Chinese government encourages scientific and technological innovation in the financial area. This is a positive signal for cryptocurrency in Chinese market.

For years, Bitcoin was mostly used for online drug-trade, and money laundering, since it’s almost impossible to track down the owner of the wallet, and all money transactions happen anonymously. But more and more Bitcoin is getting used as normal currency and changing its reputation, which attracts large financial investors from US and Europe. In addition, media plays an important role. Different reports would cause different fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market. If the media reports positive news, cryptocurrency will be more socially acceptable and will have a rapid development.

In the next few years, cryptocurrency has potential to become one of the most popular trading method in the world, and potentially, blockchain technology will replace current banking money transaction system in the next decade.


从各类加密货币的市场份额百分比情况图中我们可以看出,虽然比特币(BTC)从2015年3月至2017年3月一直占据霸主地位,由于整个加密货币市场的飞速发展,其市场份额逐年减少;而“以太币”(ETH)作为黑马,从2015年3月至2016年三月,一年间占据了市场总额的10%,而其由默默无闻到占据市场的16% 份额,只用了2年时间。

加密货币产业的迅速增长由于其智能和科技的发展与普及。每种加密货币背后都有代表性的科技和其融资的市场。加密货币的4个主要领域为:exchange, wallet, payment和mining.







BitConnect (n.d.). How do people give value to cryptocurrency and how is the price of cryptocurrency defined? | Bitconnect. Retrieved from Bitcoin (BTC) price, charts, market cap, and other metrics | CoinMarketCap. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cryptocurrency. (n. d.). Retrieved from: Hileman, G. & Rauchs, M. (2017). Global Cryptocurrency Benchmarking Study. Retrieved from: History of Bitcoin (n. d.). Retrieved from: OvO energy (n. d.). Average electricity prices around the world: $/kWh. Retrieved from: Surowiecki, J. (2011, Sep). Cryptocurrency. Technology Review, 114, 106-107. Retrieved from


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