💥 CoinPayments
We pass on link we register. We confirm the email. The registration is given 100 CPS, an internal token, the sale of which began today. And if you scroll down to the bottom you can get 10 LTCT (Litecoin Testnet), what is it without a clue, give take.
Categorically do not advise you to enter any tokens or crypt!!!
Spent on everything about everything ~ 20 minutes, had time to register everywhere and write instructions for you.
In a few months, these tokens can cost several hundred dollars
To participate in AirDrops I recommend using (create a new one), not the basic @ gmail.com and create a purse at https://www.myetherwallet.com it supports the ERC 20 format, so we need it)
All good luck, easy earnings!
If someone has a desire to support:
0x57Faf9C142811D9929da333134d93Ed40835FB92 - Ethereum (ETH)
1DXNJozdtGnvEYLdUifVrRArbSSwG4FmgB - Bitcoin (BTC)