
For some reason my computer decided to stop working about 24 hours ago. I just got it back and checked the crypto prices and my wallet.

All I can do is HODL!! and suggest if you can hold on.


Peace and happiness from Vietnam!


As a new investor, I clearly got in at the wrong time and have seen my investment fall quite a bit!

HODLing over here too :)

As long as most of your portfolio is in some of the major coins they will come back soon. You don't lose until you sell. Hold on tight! #whalepower!

Thanks mate!

Cheers! We're all in this together!

I hope it will be ok again right now things looking to far away

I'm sure it will. Just a lot of pressure from news that various governments or corporate shills posing as politicians are trying to introduce crypto laws. Leave us alone I say. If the USA implements the laws suggested I won't be visiting ever again!